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Commit 9726b369 authored by Holger Brandl's avatar Holger Brandl
Browse files

improved cp enrichment

parent 8b1e2d8e
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......@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ devtools::source_url("
......@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ unloadNamespace('dplyr'); require(dplyr) ## tbd seriously???
#enrResults %<>% rename(Category=Description)
#enrResults %<>% rename(ontology=Category)
## remove to clumsy gene_id columns
enrResults %<>% select(-geneID)
write.delim(enrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
# enrResults <- read.delim(paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
......@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ write.delim(enrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
facetSpecs <- paste("~", group_col %>% ac %>% paste(collapse=" + "))
enrResults %>% ggplot(aes(ontology)) + facet_wrap(as.formula(facetSpecs)) + geom_bar() + rot_x_lab() + ggtitle("enriched term counts by cluster")
enrResults %>% ggplot(aes(ontology)) + facet_wrap(as.formula(facetSpecs), ncol=3) + geom_bar() + rot_x_lab() + ggtitle("enriched term counts by cluster")
#' Keep at max 100 terms for visualzation per group
......@@ -260,7 +262,6 @@ enrResults %<>% sample_frac(1) %>% filter((row_number()<100)) %>% group_by_(.dot
## include=FALSE, error=TRUE
#+ error=TRUE, echo=FALSE
warning("dropping levels")
......@@ -310,6 +311,7 @@ do({
# ggsave(paste0("enrichmed_terms__", fileNameLabel, ".pdf"))
# print(logPlot)
tmpPng <- paste0(figDir, "/enrterms__", fileNameLabel, ".png")
ggsave(tmpPng, logPlot, width=10, height = 2+round(nrow(enrResultsGrp)/5), limitsize=FALSE)
......@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ l_ply(term_barplot_files$file, function(pngFile){ cat(paste0("<img src='", pngFi
#' To understand spatio-temporal changes in gene expression better we now overlay enriched kegg pathways with the -log10(q_value) of each contrast. The direction of the expression changes is encoded as color, whereby red indicates that sample_1 is overexpressed. Because we have multiple contrasts of interest, this defines a slice-color barcode for each gene. To relate the barcode to contrasts we define the following slice order:
## todo why is tidyr not processing an empty dataframe
keggPathways <- enrResults %>% filter(ontology=="kegg") %$% ac(ID) %>% unique()
keggPathways <- enrResults %>% filter(ontology=="kegg") %$% ac(ID) %>% unique() # %>% head(3) ## todo remove debug head
##+ results='asis'
#if(!exists("keggPathways") | nrow(keggPathways)==0){
......@@ -333,8 +335,8 @@ keggPathways <- enrResults %>% filter(ontology=="kegg") %$% ac(ID) %>% unique()
#+ echo=FALSE
# keggPathways <- keggPathways[1]
......@@ -350,34 +352,39 @@ sliceData <- overlayData %>%
# dcast(ensembl_gene_id ~ comparison, value.var="plot_score") %>%
sliceData <- sliceData[,1:5]
#sliceData %>% head %>% kable()
data.frame(set=names(sliceData)) %>% mutate(slice_index=row_number()) %>% kable()
pwPlotDir <-".pathways"
plot_pathway <- function(pathwayID, overlayData){
# pathwayID="mmu04015"
plot_pathway <- function(pathwayID, sliceData){
# pathwayID="mmu04015"; sliceData <- sliceData
# browser()
# echo("processing pathway", pathwayID)
pv.out <- pathview( = overlayData, = sliceData, = pathwayID,
species = keggOrCode,
# out.suffix = pathwayID$kegg.description,
# out.suffix = pathwayID,
multi.state = ncol(overlayData)>1,
multi.state = ncol(sliceData)>1,
# kegg.native=F,
# node.sum = "mean", # the method name to calculate node summary given that multiple genes or compounds are mapped to it
limit = list(gene = c(-4,4)),
outfile <- paste0(pathwayID, ".pathview", ifelse(ncol(overlayData)>1, ".multi", ""), ".png")
if(is.numeric(pv.out) && pv.out==0) return(pathwayID) ## happens if pathview fails to parse xml e.g. for mmu01100
outfile <- paste0(pathwayID, ".pathview", ifelse(ncol(sliceData)>1, ".multi", ""), ".png")
## move pathway plots into figures sub-directory
figuresPlotFile <- file.path(".pathways", outfile)
figuresPlotFile <- file.path(pwPlotDir, outfile)
system(paste("mv", outfile, figuresPlotFile))
system(paste("rm", paste0(pathwayID, ".xml"), paste0(pathwayID, ".png")))
......@@ -405,12 +412,25 @@ pathwayPlots <- keggPathways %>% llply(function(pathwayID){
save(pathwayPlots, file=".pathwayPlots.RData")
# pathwayPlots <- local(get(load("pathwayPlots.RData")))
# pathwayPlots <- local(get(load(".pathwayPlots.RData")))
## remove and report failed ones
failedPPs <- pathwayPlots[lapply(pathwayPlots, is.character) > 0]
echo("the following pathways failed to render:", paste(failedPPs, collapse=", "))
pathwayPlots <- pathwayPlots[lapply(pathwayPlots, is.character) == 0]
## make sure that all files exist
stopifnot(llply(pathwayPlots, function(x) file.exists(x$plotfile)) %>% unlist %>% all)
## prepare tooltips with expression scores
ens2entrez <- quote({
mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(guess_mart(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id), mart = biomaRt::useMart("ensembl"))
# mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(guess_mart(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id), mart = biomaRt::useMart("ensembl"))
## todo fix this
mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(guess_mart(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id), mart = biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host=""))
biomaRt::getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'entrezgene', 'external_gene_name'), mart=mart) %>% filter(!
}) %>% cache_it("ens2entrez") %>% distinct(ensembl_gene_id)
......@@ -445,12 +465,15 @@ makeTooltip <- function(entrez_id){
## extended version with clickable links
pathwayPlots %>% l_ply(function(plotData){
createImgMap <- function(plotData){
warning("compiling overlay toolips...")
#plotData <- pathwayPlots[[1]]
#plotData <- unlist(pathwayPlots)
# pathway_id=(basename(pngFile) %>% str_split_fixed("[.]", 2))[,1]
pngFile <- plotData$plotfile
## create link for image map
......@@ -481,7 +504,9 @@ pathwayPlots %>% l_ply(function(plotData){
pathwayPlots %>% l_ply(createImgMap)
## respin it for cild inclusion
# require(knitr); setwd("/Volumes/projects/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev/common"); spin("cp_enrichment.R", knit=F)
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