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Commit a4056b0f authored by Holger Brandl's avatar Holger Brandl
Browse files

improved deseq reporting

parent b485c9e1
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......@@ -9,44 +9,54 @@ Perform a differntial gene expression analysis using deseq2
Usage: featcounts_deseq_mf.R [options] <count_matrix> <design_matrix>
--contrasts=<tab_delim_table> Table with sample pairs for which dge analysis should be performed
--qcutoff <qcutoff> Use a q-value cutoff of 0.01 instead of a q-value cutoff [default: 0.01]
--pcutoff <pcutoff> Override q-value filter and filter by p-value instead
--min_count <min_count> Minimal expression in any of the sample to be included in the final result list [default: 10]
--project <project_prefix> Name to prefix all generated result files [default: ]
--design <exp_design> Name to prefix all generated result files [default: sample]
--contrasts=<tab_delim_table> Table with sample pairs for which dge analysis should be performed
--qcutoff <qcutoff> Use a q-value cutoff of 0.01 instead of a q-value cutoff [default: 0.01]
--pcutoff <pcutoff> Override q-value filter and filter by p-value instead
--min_count <min_count> Minimal expression in any of the sample to be included in the final result list [default: 10]
--out <name_prefix> Name to prefix all generated result files [default: ]
--design <formula> Design fomula for DeSeq with contrast attribute at the end [default: sample]
opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE))
#opts <- docopt(doc, "--contrasts ~/MPI-CBG_work/P5_DESeq/dba_contrasts_human.txt ~/MPI-CBG_work/P5_DESeq/countMatrix_human.txt")
## opts <- docopt(doc, "countMatrix.txt")
## opts <- docopt(doc, "../mapped/star_counts_matrix.txt")
## load some packages first because of name-space order
## process input arguments
count_matrix_file <- opts$count_matrix
design_matrix_file <- opts$design_matrix
contrasts_file <- opts$contrasts
#resultsBase <- count_matrix_file %>% basename() %>% trim_ext(".txt") %>% trim_ext(".count_matrix")
resultsBase <- if(str_length(opts$project)>0) paste0(opts$project, ".") else ""
resultsBase <- if(str_length(opts$out)>0) paste0(opts$outprefix, ".") else ""
pcutoff <- if(is.null(opts$pcutoff)) NULL else as.numeric(opts$pcutoff)
qcutoff <- if(is.numeric(pcutoff)) NULL else as.numeric(opts$qcutoff)
if(is.numeric(pcutoff)) opts$qcutoff <- NULL
## extract the sample for the design
designFormula <- opts$design
## consider last element of design formula as sample attribute
contrastAttribute <- str_split(designFormula, "[+]") %>% unlist() %>% tail(1)
assert(designFormula!="sample" && !is.null(design_matrix_file), "custom designs are not supported without a design matrix")
#' # Differential Expression Analysis
#' Run configuration was
vec2df(unlist(opts)) %>% filter(!str_detect(name, "^[<-]")) %>% kable()
#' ## Data Preparation
......@@ -114,6 +124,11 @@ if(!is.null(contrasts_file)){
#' The used design matrix is
replicates2samples %>% kable()
#' The used design formula is.
#' For more information about designs see section 1.6 "multi-factor designs" in [deseq-manual](
#' The contrasts of interest are
contrasts %>% kable()
......@@ -128,40 +143,41 @@ contrasts %>% kable()
## see "3.11 Sample-/gene-dependent normalization factors" in the DEseq2 manual for details
## old non-mf approach
#colData <- data.frame(condition=colnames(countMatrix) %>% get_sample_from_replicate)
#exDesign <- data.frame(condition=colnames(countMatrix) %>% get_sample_from_replicate)
## new mf-approach
colData <- data_frame(replicate=colnames(countMatrix)) %>% mutate(col_index=row_number()) %>%
exDesign <- data_frame(replicate=colnames(countMatrix)) %>% mutate(col_index=row_number()) %>%
full_join(replicates2samples, by="replicate") %>%
arrange(col_index) #%>% transmute(condition=sample_2ndwt) %>% fac2char
## infer the sample to be used from the formula
#designFormula <- "sample_2ndwt + batch"
designFormula <- opts$design
## consider last one as sample attribute
sampleAttribute <- str_split(designFormula, " ")
#colData %<>% rename(sample, sample_2ndwt)
#exDesign %<>% rename(sample, sample_2ndwt)
#colData <- replicates2samples %>% arrange(colnames(countMatrix))
#exDesign <- replicates2samples %>% arrange(colnames(countMatrix))
# valiadate that contrasts model is compatible with data
#if(!all((contrasts %>% gather %$% value %>% unique) %in% colData$condition)){
# echo("column model: ",colData$condition)
# echo("contrasts: ", contrasts %>% gather %$% value %>% unique)
# stop("column model is not consistent with contrasts")
#stopifnot(all((contrasts %>% gather %$% value %>% unique) %in% colData$condition))
designSamples = as.df(exDesign)[, contrastAttribute] %>% unique
contrastSamples = contrasts %>% gather %$% value %>% unique
if(!all(contrastSamples %in% designSamples)){
warning("column model: ", exDesign)
warning("contrasts: ", contrasts %>% gather %$% value %>% unique)
stop("column model is not consistent with contrasts")
#stopifnot(all((contrasts %>% gather %$% value %>% unique) %in% exDesign$condition))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countMatrix, colData, formula(as.formula("~ batch + sample_2ndwt")))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countMatrix, exDesign, formula(as.formula(paste("~", designFormula))))
#dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
#dds <- estimateDispersions(dds)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
# session::save.session("fc_debug.dat");
# session::restore.session("fc_debug.dat");
#' ## Quality Control
......@@ -199,7 +215,7 @@ plotPCA(rld, intgroup = "sample")
#hc <- hclust(distsRL)
#distMatrix <- as.matrix(distsRL)
distMatrix <- as.matrix(dist(t(assay(rld))))
#rownames(distMatrix) <- colnames(distMatrix) <- with(colData(dds), paste(condition, sep=" : "))
#rownames(distMatrix) <- colnames(distMatrix) <- with(exDesign(dds), paste(condition, sep=" : "))
labelcntData <- countData %>%
distinct(ensembl_gene_id) %>% column2rownames("ensembl_gene_id") %>%
......@@ -210,6 +226,9 @@ heatmap.2(distMatrix, labRow=colnames(labelcntData), labCol=colnames(labelcntDat
#key=F, col=colorpanel(100, "black", "white"),
margin=c(8, 8), main="Sample Distance Matrix")
d3heatmap(labelcntData, scale = "column")
#' # Perform Differential Expression Analysis
......@@ -242,7 +261,7 @@ summary(results(dds))
## extract all de-sets according to our contrasts model
deResults <- adply(contrasts, 1, splat(function(sample_1, sample_2){
results(dds, contrast=c("condition", sample_1, sample_2)) %>%
results(dds, contrast=c(contrastAttribute, sample_1, sample_2)) %>%
rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id") %>% %>%
## see when using contrasts argument
......@@ -293,7 +312,7 @@ deResults %<>% mutate(s1_overex=s1_over_s2_logfc>0)
normCounts <- counts(dds,normalized=TRUE) %>%
# set_names(colData(dds)$condition) %>% rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id")
# set_names(exDesign(dds)$condition) %>% rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id")
set_names(colnames(countMatrix)) %>% rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id")
......@@ -369,7 +388,7 @@ deResults %>% ggplot(aes(s1_over_s2_logfc, -log10(pvalue), color=is_hit)) +
# Define absolute binding categories
#rawCounts <- counts(dds,normalized=F) %>%
# set_names(colData(dds)$condition) %>% rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id")
# set_names(exDesign(dds)$condition) %>% rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id")
#ggplot(rawCounts, aes(H3HA_Sphere)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_log10() + ggtitle("raw H3HA_Sphere counts distribution")
......@@ -377,6 +396,11 @@ deResults %>% ggplot(aes(s1_over_s2_logfc, -log10(pvalue), color=is_hit)) +
#with(bindCats, %>% kable()
## optionally install bioconducor package
biocLite("biomaRt", ask=FALSE)
# Load transcriptome annotations needed for results annotation
geneInfo <- quote({
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import joblist.JobConfiguration
import joblist.JobList
import joblist.ResubmitStrategy
import kutils.evalBash
import org.docopt.Docopt
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