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Commit bb900e40 authored by Holger Brandl's avatar Holger Brandl
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parent b7c64d57
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......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
#+ include=FALSE
## TODO Melanie: make sure reports can be spinned
## Example: spin.R -c $NGS_TOOLS/dge_workflow/featcounts_deseq.R.R "\"count_matrix.txt""
doc <- '
......@@ -15,9 +19,9 @@ Options:
--min_count <min_count> Minimal expression in any of the sample to be included in the final result list [default: 1]
opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE))
#opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE))
## opts <- docopt(doc, "--pcutoff 0.05 --contrasts ../time_contrasts.txt ../peak_clusters_tss5kb.count_matrix.txt")
opts <- docopt(doc, "--pcutoff 0.05 --contrasts ../time_contrasts.txt ../peak_clusters_tss5kb.count_matrix.txt")
## opts <- docopt(doc, "countMatrix.txt")
......@@ -66,9 +70,17 @@ geneInfo <- quote({
}) %>% cache_it("geneInfo")
#' # Differential Expresssion Analysis
## TODO Melanie
## * similar to example-report (see email) created with "dge_workflow/cuffdiff_report.R"
## * sections to migrate are "Replicate Correlation and Clustering" and "Quality Control"
#' # Differential Binding Analysis
#' # Differential Expresssion Analysis
#' Working Directory: `r getwd()`
......@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ nrow(countMatrix)
#' [Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2](
## todo expose as argument
get_sample_from_replicate <- function(repName) str_match(repName, "(.*)_[0-9]{1}")[,2]
get_sample_from_replicate <- function(repName) str_match(repName, "(.*)_[0-9]{1}$")[,2]
#' Define or load a contrasts matrix
......@@ -131,7 +143,7 @@ contrasts %>% kable()
## see "3.11 Sample-/gene-dependent normalization factors" in the DEseq2 manual for details
colData <- data.frame(condition=colnames(countMatrix) %>% get_sample_from_replicate)
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countMatrix, colData, formula(~ condition))
dds <- estimateSizeFactors( dds )
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
#' # Custom Lambda Normalization
......@@ -317,39 +329,42 @@ degs %>%
select(s1_over_s2_logfc, pvalue, ensembl_gene_id, sample_1, sample_2, external_gene_name, description, igv) %>%
kable("html", table.attr = "class='dtable'", escape=F)
## TODO Melanie compare with section "Differentially expressed genes" and complement missing bits
#' ## Term enrichment Data Preparation
#+ echo=FALSE
#' This analysis was performed using [David]( The following ontologies were tested: `r paste(ontologies, collapse=', ')`
geneLists <- degs %>%
transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2))
geneLists <- rbind_list(
degs %>% filter(s1_overex) %>% transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, ">", sample_2)),
degs %>% filter(!s1_overex) %>% transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "<", sample_2))
## additional overlaps before doing the intersection analysis
geneLists %>% count(list_id) %>% kable()
intersectLists <- function(geneLists, listIdA, listIdB, intersectListId) {
commonGenes <- setdiff(filter(geneLists, list_id==listIdA)$ensembl_gene_id, filter(geneLists, list_id==listIdB)$ensembl_gene_id)
data.frame(list_id=intersectListId, ensembl_gene_id=commonGenes)
geneLists %<>% group_by(list_id)
save(geneLists, file=".enrGeneLists.RData")
# geneLists <- local(get(load("enrGeneLists.RData")))
## redefine opts arguments and tweak knitr options
opts_knit$set(root.dir = getwd())
commandArgs <- function(x) c(paste("--overlay_expr_data ", count_matrix_file, " enrGeneLists.RData"))
# child='/home/brandl/mnt/mack/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev/common/david_enrichment.Rmd'
## TODO later, reenable child-inclusion of enrichment analysis
##' ## Term enrichment Data Preparation
##+ echo=FALSE
##' This analysis was performed using [David]( The following ontologies were tested: `r paste(ontologies, collapse=', ')`
#geneLists <- degs %>%
# transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2))
# geneLists <- rbind_list(
# geneLists,
# degs %>% filter(s1_overex) %>% transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, ">", sample_2)),
# degs %>% filter(!s1_overex) %>% transmute(ensembl_gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "<", sample_2))
# )
### additional overlaps before doing the intersection analysis
#geneLists %>% count(list_id) %>% kable()
#intersectLists <- function(geneLists, listIdA, listIdB, intersectListId) {
# commonGenes <- setdiff(filter(geneLists, list_id==listIdA)$ensembl_gene_id, filter(geneLists, list_id==listIdB)$ensembl_gene_id)
# data.frame(list_id=intersectListId, ensembl_gene_id=commonGenes)
#geneLists %<>% group_by(list_id)
#save(geneLists, file=".enrGeneLists.RData")
## geneLists <- local(get(load("enrGeneLists.RData")))
### redefine opts arguments and tweak knitr options
#opts_knit$set(root.dir = getwd())
#commandArgs <- function(x) c(paste("--overlay_expr_data ", count_matrix_file, " enrGeneLists.RData"))
## child='/home/brandl/mnt/mack/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev/common/david_enrichment.Rmd'
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