for stable branch, or
for current master where changes can be added and are pushed occassionally to the origin on git-srv1
To use the structure from above when working on bioinformatics-srv1 just use
Get started with an RNASeq Project
use /Volumes/projects/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev/misc/ to setup project directories
copy /Volumes/projects/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev/dge_workflow/ to scripts directory
How to create a new version tag
- Create branch:
cd /Volumes/projects/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev
git checkout -b v3.23
git push
- Checkout new branch into ngs_tools as stable version
cd /Volumes/projects/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/
mkdir $newVersion
cd $newVersion
git clone git-srv1:/local/git/bioinformatics .
git checkout ${newVersion}
## prevent from writing
chmod -R -w ../$newVersion
mcdir sourced in?
use STAR for mapping
split cuffdiff report into individual tools
Use featureCounts and DesSeq2 for differential expression analysisf
Better peak report bioinfo_templates/chipseq_workflow/peak_report.R
Write igv session xml programmatically including adjusted track; render open session link ( like http://localhost:60151/load?file=/Users/brandl/Desktop/my\_session.xml) to reports above igv-link tables
Use proper redmine tracker to evolve the shared codebase