Must-Needed before Crowdsourcing MVP release
- 1. Remove the "Create New Update Item" button from everywhere. As of now, UpdateItems can only be created from the interactive controls on detail pages
- 2. User Profile and UpdateItem Lists need to be separate pages (explained in #44 (closed))
- 3. User Profile Page --> A) "Motivation" not editable after profile creation; visible only to Maintainers B) Profile Link shows twice; C) Editable options to be made more intuitive for edit options
- 4. Can column sizes be made stretchable? Some important fields to be given more space. @rostam can help set visuals here
- 5. "Need Sign Up?" to be re-labeled to "Join DD-CODE as a contributor"
- 6. Motivation Text to be asked for while "signing-up"
- 7. Success and Failure response to be made more prominent with detailed messages different types of errors