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Snippets Groups Projects

DD-CODE web interface

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Copy all the files under /dist to the web folder

cp -R dist/* [your_webserver_root]

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Customize configuration

  • It requires proper settings in src/components/js/const.js.
export const host = '/api';
export const devHost = '/api';
export const apikey = '<your api key>'



How to apply Dev branch into Production


  1. Create an increment version of tag in
  2. Make new merge request from develop branch into master in
  3. Accept the merge request
  4. In /local/dd-code-api
  5. git pull
  6. flask run --host= --port=5001
  7. In /home/moon/backup
  8. mongodump --host=ddcode-srv1 --port=27018 --db=ddcode
  9. mv dump dump-<date>
  10. mongorestore --port=27017 --drop


  1. For production, git checkout master, yarn build and deploy
  2. For develop, git checkout develop, yarn build-dev and deploy-dev