Explore projects
archived 0Updated
Modes Lab GitLab / ConnectedGraphSampler
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sbalzarini Lab / Software / Math / FaspHeuristic
MIT LicenseLibrary implementing TIGHT-CUT heuristic for solving FASP (Feedback Arc Set Problem)
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Sbalzarini Lab / Software / Image Representation / LibAPR
Apache License 2.0Library for producing and processing on the Adaptive Particle Representation (APR)
Topics: APRUpdated -
argupta / openfpm_data
OtherUpdated -
steinbac / compass-github-pull
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensedrop-in header-only C++ library to detect hardware capabilities at runtime and at compiletime
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hidra fork, intended to exist until desy's hidra goes full open source on github or similar
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gearshifft / gearshifft
Apache License 2.0Updated -
steinbac / gearshifft_deprecated
Apache License 2.0Updated