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  • 3D-two-matrices
  • EffectiveDrop
  • Fix-mass-conservation
  • Reducing-input-parameters
  • Test_alpha_sensitivity
  • Troubleshooting-oscillations
  • flux_accuracy
  • master default
  • test_parallel
9 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Jul111098764230Jun292523151325May20829Apr282721151187654131Mar302928252423222117161514832122Feb212015Jan24Nov26Oct2019141314Sep31Aug271091Apr30Mar231914922Feb201413108754330Jan24191816158Dec227Nov18171611943229Oct2623222120191413729Sep2825242221181716159875331Aug302726252418121065431Jul30292221201918171614131279Jun22May2015121110328Apr272220161412118762127Mar26252423201917151412109625Feb241716141312111031Jan2015146330Dec1918328Nov2726251918WIP: parallel for loop for matrix inversion.3D in new code seems to work.Really close match with ML for finer mesh.Works in 30s for D_out/D_in = 2000.Fixed typo in spacing.Introduce variable delta x and domain size.cosmetics.Interpolation in t works.Limit boundary conditions to tridiagonal form.Shortening code.Ratio of D_out/D_in = 20 still works okay.Shorten function. Same result.1D comparison between Julia and Matlab works.Inner and outer domain coupled, partitioning works.Dirichlet boundary conditions work, now need to couple to matrices.Dirichlet boundary condition right works.Tridiagonal matrix makes huge difference!!Introduce a second domain as an exact copy of the first for now.Starting work on connecting two matrices instead of a single one.Finer spacing.Update plotting.Comparison works well inside, for every other time point. Julia stillAdded file with examples of function calls updated to latest version of eff_dropReducing-input-…Reducing-input-parametersDescription arguments solve_D + layoutFRAP and Matlab initial conditions now unified in "FRAP"Getting rid of parameter "B" boundary (Neumann or Experimental). Now defined internally based on IC.Changed experimenta initial condition: now vector ["Exp", u0E, BE, tE]Changing Analytical initial condition: now vector ["analytical", x0, RA, Δx]. In this case need to provide right boundary of domain (RA) and delta_x, since adaptive grid does not guarantee that x0 falls within the domain.Changing FRAP initial condition: now vector ["FRAP", c_out]Getting rid of "AG" input condition (and thus of delta_x and delta_t), now adapting by default. Working with FRAP initial conditions.Getting rid of L, R parameters, corrected adaptive grid so that both alpha_in and alpha_out are 1Revert "Attempt at making spacing exponential inside and outside. Runs but gives"Attempt at making spacing exponential inside and outside. Runs but givesMatlab/Julia comparison works roughly, but too slow. new eff_Drop implementation (x and t domain) for big D_outMerge branch 'master' of eff_Drop implementation (x and t domain) for big D_outTime constraint on Matlab solution commented out. Comment out FRAP radiusCompare different parameter sets visually with Matlab. Not working.corrected condition D_o<1