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  • 3D-two-matrices
  • EffectiveDrop
  • Fix-mass-conservation
  • Reducing-input-parameters
  • Test_alpha_sensitivity
  • Troubleshooting-oscillations
  • flux_accuracy
  • master default
  • test_parallel
9 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Jun25May20829Apr282721151187654131Mar302928252423222117161514832122Feb212015Jan24Nov26Oct2019141314Sep31Aug271091Apr30Mar231914922Feb201413108754330Jan24191816158Dec227Nov18171611943229Oct2623222120191413729Sep2825242221181716159875331Aug302726252418121065431Jul30292221201918171614131279Jun22May2015121110328Apr272220161412118762127Mar26252423201917151412109625Feb241716141312111031Jan2015146330Dec1918328Nov2726251918Started changing eff_Drop for multiple parameter fit.Eff_drop working with InterfaceTryWorking with InterfaceTry.jl. It was not k, but the adaptive time stepping giving stability for D>1. For now easy fix.Troubleshooting…Troubleshooting-oscillationsFix (?) indexing issue in time.Change timing to see system evolution.Change of parameters. Write solutions to file.Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Troubleshooting-oscillations' into Troubleshooting-oscillationsCosmetics.Adding plots for Dresden application (chemical reaction recovery).With k not working in InterfaceTry. NEXT: start fixing from line 369Not breaking for half-times.eff drop adating delta_x for D,1, adapting delta_D to N=51, alpha=1 for D>=1.Minor fix on adaptive delta_t.u_in_eq corrected based on geometry. Still not perfectly matching.Now MC without ghost points. problem with u_in_eq u_in_eq correct based on geometry.k (interfacial resistance) is now parameter. Add plotting function.Add plotting script.Plotting now in different file.Try out interface resistance boundary conditions.NOW time stepping is working, indexing problem should be solved.Now final step always landing exactly at T. Fixed last value of t_vec.Steepest gradient set inside in case of Boundary="E".Assigning u0 if IC="Exp_data" and Boundary="E"Layout fixed.solved problem LinearInterpolation for last delta-t exceeding lat timestep.WIP on computing derivatives for the next time step explicitly within the while loop.Introduced function adapt_Δt, working for the case theta=0 (=keeping Δt constant).Now looping while t<=T. First step for adaptive time stepping.Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Troubleshooting-oscillations' into Troubleshooting-oscillationsLAST VERSION LOOPING: for i = 3:Nt.Now steepest gradient computed with central difference.NOW x=0 working for the 3D case. and solve_D computing steepest gradient at each timepoint.x=0 working for the 3D case.External ghost points not at x:L-Δxi,R+Δxo. Working for the 1D case. 3D case?make_A optimized with anonymous function. Running time ca. same.calc_b optimized with anonymous function. Runs faster!There was still a mistake in previous version. Working nowRevert "Now EB working"Now EB working