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  • 3D-two-matrices
  • EffectiveDrop
  • Fix-mass-conservation
  • Reducing-input-parameters
  • Test_alpha_sensitivity
  • Troubleshooting-oscillations
  • flux_accuracy
  • master default
  • test_parallel
9 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Apr151187654131Mar302928252423222117161514832122Feb212015Jan24Nov26Oct2019141314Sep31Aug271091Apr30Mar231914922Feb201413108754330Jan24191816158Dec227Nov18171611943229Oct2623222120191413729Sep2825242221181716159875331Aug302726252418121065431Jul30292221201918171614131279Jun22May2015121110328Apr272220161412118762127Mar26252423201917151412109625Feb241716141312111031Jan2015146330Dec1918328Nov2726251918Plotting now in different file.Try out interface resistance boundary conditions.NOW time stepping is working, indexing problem should be solved.Now final step always landing exactly at T. Fixed last value of t_vec.Steepest gradient set inside in case of Boundary="E".Assigning u0 if IC="Exp_data" and Boundary="E"Layout fixed.solved problem LinearInterpolation for last delta-t exceeding lat timestep.WIP on computing derivatives for the next time step explicitly within the while loop.Introduced function adapt_Δt, working for the case theta=0 (=keeping Δt constant).Now looping while t<=T. First step for adaptive time stepping.Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Troubleshooting-oscillations' into Troubleshooting-oscillationsLAST VERSION LOOPING: for i = 3:Nt.Now steepest gradient computed with central difference.NOW x=0 working for the 3D case. and solve_D computing steepest gradient at each timepoint.x=0 working for the 3D case.External ghost points not at x:L-Δxi,R+Δxo. Working for the 1D case. 3D case?make_A optimized with anonymous function. Running time ca. same.calc_b optimized with anonymous function. Runs faster!There was still a mistake in previous version. Working nowRevert "Now EB working"Now EB workingGiving Experimental Boundary from simulation is working!calc_b working for Neumann boundary condition ("N") and experimental ("E").make_A working for Neumann boundary condition ("N") and experimental ("E").make_A_inside_EB working! Tomorrow will integrate with make_A.AdaptedGrid incorporated in solve_D, function of parameter AG ("Y"|"N")make_A changed to set boundary L and R to zero fluxcleaned, all analysis in frap_theory_analysis/analysis.ipynbu0 assigned based on IC(FRAP vs analytical).u0 now as input.Implemented different Δx inside and outside in function "solve_D_adaptedGrid". Keeping solve_D separate for alpha analysis.setting α=1 by adapting Δt slightly improves mass conservation.Plotting m/m0 for different N, for 1D case and 3D case. Spherical mass conservation comparable to 1D case, but oscillating.Changed half-partitioning according to volume integral in spherical coordinates for 3D case.make_A, calc_b and solve_D now depend on geometry.Added percentage recovery time for the spherical case.spherical solution is working.Update example analytical 1D solution.NOW it works.