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  • mosaic/software/parallel-computing/openfpm/openfpm_data
  • argupta/openfpm_data
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Commits on Source (427)
with 641 additions and 74 deletions
......@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ find_package(Vc REQUIRED)
###### CONFIG.h FILE ######
......@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ public:
static bool noPointers() {return true;}
#ifdef __NVCC__
//Constructors from dim3 and uint3 objects
__host__ __device__ grid_smb(const dim3 blockDimensions)
......@@ -340,6 +342,11 @@ public:
return sz;
__host__ __device__ inline indexT getBlockEgdeSize() const
return blockEdgeSize;
__host__ __device__ inline indexT getBlockSize() const
return blockSize;
......@@ -141,6 +141,11 @@ public:
__host__ __device__ inline indexT getBlockEgdeSize() const
return blockEdgeSize;
__host__ __device__ inline indexT size() const
return grid_smb<dim,blockEdgeSize,indexT>::size();
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ template<unsigned int dim>
struct comb
//! Array that store the combination
char c[dim];
signed char c[dim];
/*! \brief check if it is a valid combination
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct comb
* \return Result combination
inline comb<dim> operator&(char c_)
inline comb<dim> operator&(signed char c_)
comb<dim> ret;
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ struct comb
inline char operator[](int i) const
inline signed char operator[](int i) const
return c[i];
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ struct comb
inline char * getComb()
inline signed char * getComb()
return c;
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ struct comb
inline const char * getComb() const
inline const signed char * getComb() const
return c;
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ struct comb
* \return value of the i index
inline char value(int i) const
inline signed char value(int i) const
return c[i];
......@@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ struct comb
* \param c list of numbers
comb(std::initializer_list<char> c)
comb(std::initializer_list<signed char> c)
size_t i = 0;
for(char x : c)
for(signed char x : c)
{this->c[c.size() - i - 1] = x;i++;}
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ template<>
struct comb<0>
//! FIX
char c[0];
signed char c[0];
/*! \brief check if it is a valid combination
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ struct comb<0>
inline char operator[](int i)
inline signed char operator[](int i)
return 0;
......@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ struct comb<0>
inline char * getComb()
inline signed char * getComb()
return c;
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ struct comb<0>
* \return value of the i index
inline char value(int i) const
inline signed char value(int i) const
return c[i];
......@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ __global__ void copy_ndim_grid_device(grid_type src, grid_type dst)
template<bool inte_or_lin,unsigned int dim, typename T>
template<bool inte_or_lin, typename base_grid, unsigned int dim, typename T>
struct grid_toKernelImpl
template<typename grid_type> static grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,memory_traits_lin,typename grid_type::linearizer_type> toKernel(grid_type & gc)
template<typename grid_type> static base_grid toKernel(grid_type & gc)
grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,memory_traits_lin,typename grid_type::linearizer_type> g(gc.getGrid());
/*grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,memory_traits_lin,typename grid_type::linearizer_type>*/base_grid g(gc.getGrid());
g.get_data_().mem = gc.get_internal_data_().mem;
......@@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ struct grid_toKernelImpl
template<unsigned int dim, typename T>
struct grid_toKernelImpl<true,dim,T>
template<typename base_grid, unsigned int dim, typename T>
struct grid_toKernelImpl<true,base_grid,dim,T>
template<typename grid_type> static grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,memory_traits_inte, typename grid_type::linearizer_type> toKernel(grid_type & gc)
template<typename grid_type> static base_grid toKernel(grid_type & gc)
grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,memory_traits_inte, typename grid_type::linearizer_type> g(gc.getGrid());
/*grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,memory_traits_inte, typename grid_type::linearizer_type>*/ base_grid g(gc.getGrid());
copy_switch_memory_c_no_cpy<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(gc.get_internal_data_())>::type,
typename std::remove_reference<decltype(g.get_data_())>::type> cp_mc(gc.get_internal_data_(),g.get_data_());
......@@ -160,6 +160,70 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (gpu_computation)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (gpu_computation_lambda)
#ifdef CUDA_GPU
size_t sz[3] = {64,64,64};
grid_gpu<3, aggregate<float,float[2],float[2][2]> > c3(sz);
// Assign
auto c3_k = c3.toKernel();
auto lamb = [c3_k] __device__ (dim3 & blockIdx, dim3 & threadIdx)
grid_key_dx<3,int> p({blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y,
blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z});
c3_k.template get<0>(p) = 5.0;
c3_k.template get<1>(p)[0] = 5.0;
c3_k.template get<1>(p)[1] = 5.0;
c3_k.template get<2>(p)[0][0] = 5.0;
c3_k.template get<2>(p)[0][1] = 5.0;
c3_k.template get<2>(p)[1][0] = 5.0;
c3_k.template get<2>(p)[1][1] = 5.0;
auto ite = c3.getGPUIterator({0,0,0},{63,63,63});
auto it = c3.getIterator();
bool good = true;
auto key = it.get();
good &= c3.template get<0>(key) == 5.0;
good &= c3.template get<1>(key)[0] == 5.0;
good &= c3.template get<1>(key)[1] == 5.0;
good &= c3.template get<2>(key)[0][0] == 5.0;
good &= c3.template get<2>(key)[0][1] == 5.0;
good &= c3.template get<2>(key)[1][0] == 5.0;
good &= c3.template get<2>(key)[1][1] == 5.0;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (gpu_computation_stencil)
#ifdef CUDA_GPU
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class grid_gpu_ker
typedef typename layout_base<T_>::type layout;
//! layout data
layout data_;
mutable layout data_;
......@@ -264,14 +264,32 @@ public:
* \return the const reference of the element
template <unsigned int p, typename ids_type, typename r_type=decltype(layout_base<T_>::template get_c<p>(data_,g1,grid_key_dx<dim>()))>
__device__ __host__ inline const r_type get(const grid_key_dx<dim,ids_type> & v1) const
template <unsigned int p, typename ids_type, typename r_type=decltype(layout_base<T_>::template get<p>(data_,g1,grid_key_dx<dim>()))>
__device__ __host__ inline r_type get_debug(const grid_key_dx<dim,ids_type> & v1) const
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
if (check_bound(v1) == false)
{fill_grid_error_array_overflow<dim,p>(this->template getPointer<p>(),v1);}
return layout_base<T_>::template get_c<p>(data_,g1,v1);
return layout_base<T_>::template get<p>(data_,g1,v1);
/*! \brief Get the const reference of the selected element
* \param v1 grid_key that identify the element in the grid
* \return the const reference of the element
template <unsigned int p, typename ids_type, typename r_type=decltype(layout_base<T_>::template get<p>(data_,g1,grid_key_dx<dim>()))>
__device__ __host__ inline r_type get(const grid_key_dx<dim,ids_type> & v1) const
#ifdef SE_CLASS1
if (check_bound(v1) == false)
{fill_grid_error_array_overflow<dim,p>(this->template getPointer<p>(),v1);}
return layout_base<T_>::template get<p>(data_,g1,v1);
/*! \brief Get the reference of the selected element
......@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ private:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
......@@ -705,8 +705,8 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
g.base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(g);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
g.base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(g);
......@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
......@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ public:
* \param stop end point
struct ite_gpu<dim> getGPUIterator(grid_key_dx<dim,long int> & key1, grid_key_dx<dim,long int> & key2, size_t n_thr = default_kernel_wg_threads_) const
struct ite_gpu<dim> getGPUIterator(const grid_key_dx<dim,long int> & key1, const grid_key_dx<dim,long int> & key2, size_t n_thr = default_kernel_wg_threads_) const
return getGPUIterator_impl<dim>(g1,key1,key2,n_thr);
......@@ -850,12 +850,25 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
/*! \brief Return the memory object
* Return the memory object
* \tparam p array to retrieve
template<unsigned int p>
auto getMemory() -> decltype(boost::fusion::at_c<p>(data_).getMemory())
return boost::fusion::at_c<p>(data_).getMemory();
/*! \brief Set the object that provide memory from outside
* An external allocator is useful with allocator like PreAllocHeapMem
......@@ -880,7 +893,7 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
......@@ -909,7 +922,7 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
......@@ -1506,7 +1519,7 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
......@@ -1536,8 +1549,8 @@ public:
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
grid.base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(grid);
base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
grid.base_gpu = grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(grid);
......@@ -1876,7 +1889,7 @@ public:
grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type> toKernel()
return grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
return grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
/*! \brief Convert the grid into a data-structure compatible for computing into GPU
......@@ -1886,7 +1899,7 @@ public:
const grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type> toKernel() const
return grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
return grid_toKernelImpl<is_layout_inte<layout_base<T_>>::value,grid_gpu_ker<dim,T_,layout_base,linearizer_type>,dim,T_>::toKernel(*this);
......@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ struct ite_gpu
grid_key_dx<dim,int> start;
grid_key_dx<dim,int> stop;
size_t nblocks()
size_t nblocks() const
return wthr.x * wthr.y * wthr.z;
size_t nthrs()
size_t nthrs() const
return thr.x * thr.y * thr.z;
......@@ -365,6 +365,25 @@ public:
/*! \brief copy constructor
* \param g grid info
* construct a grid from another grid. As a copy constructor can't be template,
* the one above won't work for const grid_sm<N,S> & g, where S=T
__device__ __host__ inline grid_sm(const grid_sm<N,T> & g)
size_tot = g.size_tot;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < N ; i++)
sz[i] =[i];
sz_s[i] = g.sz_s[i];
// Static element to calculate total size
inline size_t totalSize(const size_t sz)
......@@ -432,7 +451,7 @@ public:
template<typename check=NoCheck, typename ids_type>
inline mem_id LinId(const grid_key_dx<N,ids_type> & gk, const char sum_id[N]) const
inline mem_id LinId(const grid_key_dx<N,ids_type> & gk, const signed char sum_id[N]) const
mem_id lid;
......@@ -468,7 +487,7 @@ public:
template<typename check=NoCheck,typename ids_type>
inline mem_id LinId(const grid_key_dx<N,ids_type> & gk, const char sum_id[N], const size_t (&bc)[N]) const
inline mem_id LinId(const grid_key_dx<N,ids_type> & gk, const signed char sum_id[N], const size_t (&bc)[N]) const
mem_id lid;
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
template <typename T, bool has_noPointers>
template <typename T, int has_noPointers>
struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl
template <typename T>
struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T,false>
struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T,0>
......@@ -61,6 +61,28 @@ struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T,false>
/*! \brief Pack selector for unknown type
template <typename T>
struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T,2>
template <typename T>
struct Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T,3>
/*! \brief Pack selector for unknown type
......@@ -70,7 +92,7 @@ struct Pack_selector_known_type_impl
value = Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T, has_noPointers<T>::value >::value
value = Pack_selector_unknown_type_impl<T, has_noPointers<T>::value + 2*std::is_array<T>::value >::value
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ template<unsigned int dim ,typename T> class Point
* \return the norm of the vector
__device__ __host__ T norm()
__device__ __host__ T norm() const
T n = 0.0;
......@@ -14,6 +14,29 @@ using BlockTypeOf = typename std::remove_reference<typename boost::fusion::resul
template<typename AggregateT, unsigned int p>
using ScalarTypeOf = typename std::remove_reference<typename boost::fusion::result_of::at_c<typename AggregateT::type, p>::type>::type::scalarType;
template<typename T>
struct meta_copy_set_bck
template<typename destType>
inline static void set(destType & bP ,T & backgroundValue, int j)
bP[j] = backgroundValue;
template<unsigned int N, typename T>
struct meta_copy_set_bck<T[N]>
template<typename destType>
inline static void set(destType & bP ,T * backgroundValue, int j)
for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++)
bP[i][j] = backgroundValue[i];
template<typename AggregateBlockT, unsigned int threadBlockSize=128, typename indexT=long int, template<typename> class layout_base=memory_traits_inte>
class BlockMapGpu
......@@ -280,19 +303,21 @@ public:
* \tparam p property p
template<unsigned int p>
void setBackgroundValue(ScalarTypeOf<AggregateBlockT, p> backgroundValue)
template<unsigned int p, typename TypeBck>
void setBackgroundValue(TypeBck backgroundValue)
// NOTE: Here we assume user only passes Blocks and not scalars in the templated aggregate type
typedef BlockTypeOf<AggregateInternalT, p> BlockT;
typedef typename std::remove_all_extents<BlockTypeOf<AggregateInternalT, p>>::type BlockT_noarr;
typedef BlockTypeOf<AggregateInternalT, pMask> BlockM;
BlockT bP;
BlockM bM;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BlockT::size; ++i)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BlockT_noarr::size; ++i)
bP[i] = backgroundValue;
bM[i] = 0;
......@@ -718,6 +718,8 @@ public:
typedef sparse_grid_gpu_index<self> base_key;
typedef indexT indexT_;
typedef decltype(std::declval<BMG>().toKernel().insertBlock(0)) insert_encap;
/*! \brief return the size of the grid
......@@ -1045,6 +1047,7 @@ private:
template <typename stencil, typename... Args>
void applyStencilInPlaceNoShared(const Box<dim,int> & box, StencilMode & mode,Args... args)
......@@ -1795,6 +1798,11 @@ public:
void setMemory()
auto insertBlockFlush(size_t block) -> decltype(BMG::insertBlockFlush(block))
return BMG::insertBlockFlush(block);
/*! \brief Return the grid information object
* \return grid information object
......@@ -2628,6 +2636,28 @@ public:
applyStencils< SparseGridGpuKernels::stencil_func_conv2_b<dim,nLoop,prop_src1,prop_src2,prop_dst1,prop_dst2,stencil_size> >(box,STENCIL_MODE_INPLACE,func, args ...);
/*! \brief Apply a free type convolution using blocks
template<unsigned int prop_src1, unsigned int prop_src2, unsigned int prop_src3,
unsigned int prop_dst1 , unsigned int prop_dst2, unsigned int prop_dst3,
unsigned int stencil_size, typename lambda_f, typename ... ArgsT >
void conv3_b(grid_key_dx<dim> start, grid_key_dx<dim> stop , lambda_f func, ArgsT ... args)
Box<dim,int> box;
for (int i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++)
constexpr unsigned int nLoop = UIntDivCeil<(IntPow<blockEdgeSize + 2, dim>::value), (blockSize)>::value;
applyStencils< SparseGridGpuKernels::stencil_func_conv3_b<dim,nLoop,prop_src1,prop_src2,prop_src3,prop_dst1,prop_dst2,prop_dst3,stencil_size> >(box,STENCIL_MODE_INPLACE,func, args ...);
/*! \brief Apply a free type convolution using blocks
......@@ -2753,12 +2783,37 @@ public:
typedef BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base> BMG;
auto block_data = this->insertBlockFlush(block_id);
auto block_data = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::insertBlockFlush(block_id);
block_data.template get<BMG::pMask>()[local_id] = 1;
return block_data.template get<p>()[local_id];
/*! \brief Insert the point on host side and flush directly
* First you have to move everything on host with deviceToHost, insertFlush and than move to GPU again
* \param grid point where to insert
* \return a reference to the data to fill
template<typename CoordT>
auto insertBlockFlush(const grid_key_dx<dim,CoordT> &coord, indexT & local_id) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::insertBlockFlush(0))
auto lin = gridGeometry.LinId(coord);
indexT block_id = lin / blockSize;
local_id = lin % blockSize;
typedef BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base> BMG;
auto block_data = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::insertBlockFlush(block_id);
block_data.template get<BMG::pMask>()[local_id] = 1;
return block_data;
/*! \brief Insert the point on host side and flush directly
* First you have to move everything on host with deviceToHost, insertFlush and than move to GPU again
......@@ -2779,7 +2834,7 @@ public:
typedef BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base> BMG;
auto block_data = this->insertBlockFlush(block_id);
auto block_data = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::insertBlockFlush(block_id);
block_data.template get<BMG::pMask>()[local_id] = 1;
return block_data.template get<p>()[local_id];
......@@ -2817,15 +2872,105 @@ public:
template<unsigned int p>
void setBackgroundValue(ScalarTypeOf<AggregateBlockT, p> backgroundValue)
void setBackgroundValue(typename boost::mpl::at<typename AggregateT::type,boost::mpl::int_<p>>::type backgroundValue)
bck.template get<p>() = backgroundValue;
meta_copy<typename boost::mpl::at<typename AggregateT::type,boost::mpl::int_<p>>::type>::meta_copy_(backgroundValue,bck.template get<p>());
BMG::template setBackgroundValue<p>(backgroundValue);
BMG::template setBackgroundValue<p,typename boost::mpl::at<typename AggregateT::type,boost::mpl::int_<p>>::type>(backgroundValue);
/////////////////////////////////// DISTRIBUTED INTERFACE ///////////////////////
//Functions to check if the packing object is complex
static bool pack()
return true;
//Functions to check if the packing object is complex
static bool packRequest()
return true;
/*! \brief Asking to pack a SparseGrid GPU without GPU context pack the grid on CPU and host memory
template<int ... prp> inline
void packRequest(size_t & req) const
// To fill
auto & indexBuffer = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::blockMap.getIndexBuffer();
auto & dataBuffer = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::blockMap.getDataBuffer();
indexBuffer.template packRequest<prp ...>(req);
dataBuffer.template packRequest<prp ...>(req);
/*! \brief Pack the object into the memory
* \tparam prp properties to pack
* \param mem preallocated memory where to pack the objects
* \param sts pack statistic
template<int ... prp> void pack(ExtPreAlloc<HeapMemory> & mem,
Pack_stat & sts) const
auto & indexBuffer = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::blockMap.getIndexBuffer();
auto & dataBuffer = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::blockMap.getDataBuffer();
// To fill
indexBuffer.template pack<prp ...>(mem,sts);
dataBuffer.template pack<prp ...>(mem,sts);
/*! \brief Unpack the object into the memory
* \tparam prp properties to pack
* \param mem preallocated memory where to pack the objects
* \param sts pack statistic
template<int ... prp> void unpack(ExtPreAlloc<HeapMemory> & mem,
Unpack_stat & ps)
auto & indexBuffer = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::blockMap.getIndexBuffer();
auto & dataBuffer = BlockMapGpu<AggregateInternalT, threadBlockSize, indexT, layout_base>::blockMap.getDataBuffer();
// To fill
indexBuffer.template unpack<prp ...>(mem,ps);
dataBuffer.template unpack<prp ...>(mem,ps);
/*! \brief Unpack the object into the memory
* \tparam prp properties to pack
* \param mem preallocated memory where to pack the objects
* \param sts pack statistic
template<int ... prp> void unpack(ExtPreAlloc<CudaMemory> & mem,
Unpack_stat & ps)
if (mem.size() != 0)
{std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " not implemented: " << std::endl;}
/*! \brief memory requested to pack this object
* \param req request
......@@ -3253,6 +3398,8 @@ public:
void swap(self & gr)
......@@ -3422,6 +3569,7 @@ public:
if (pointers.size())
......@@ -158,6 +158,19 @@ namespace SparseGridGpuKernels
template<typename ScalarT, typename coordType, typename CpBlockType, typename DataBlockWrapperT, typename lambda_func, typename ... ArgsT>
__device__ static inline void stencil3_block(ScalarT & res1, ScalarT & res2, ScalarT & res3, coordType & coord ,
CpBlockType & cpb1,
CpBlockType & cpb2,
CpBlockType & cpb3,
DataBlockWrapperT & DataBlockLoad,
int offset,
lambda_func f,
ArgsT ... args)
......@@ -204,6 +217,19 @@ namespace SparseGridGpuKernels
template<typename ScalarT, typename coordType, typename CpBlockType, typename DataBlockWrapperT, typename lambda_func, typename ... ArgsT>
__device__ static inline void stencil3_block(ScalarT & res1, ScalarT & res2, ScalarT & res3, coordType & coord ,
CpBlockType & cpb1,
CpBlockType & cpb2,
CpBlockType & cpb3,
DataBlockWrapperT & DataBlockLoad,
int offset,
lambda_func f,
ArgsT ... args)
template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int n_loop, unsigned int p_src, unsigned int p_dst, unsigned int stencil_size>
......@@ -424,6 +450,86 @@ namespace SparseGridGpuKernels
template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int n_loop,
unsigned int p_src1, unsigned int p_src2, unsigned int p_src3,
unsigned int p_dst1, unsigned int p_dst2, unsigned int p_dst3,
unsigned int stencil_size>
struct stencil_func_conv3_b
typedef NNStar<dim> stencil_type;
static constexpr unsigned int supportRadius = stencil_size;
template<typename SparseGridT, typename DataBlockWrapperT, typename lambda_func, typename ... ArgT>
static inline __device__ void stencil(
SparseGridT & sparseGrid,
const unsigned int dataBlockId,
openfpm::sparse_index<unsigned int> dataBlockIdPos,
unsigned int offset,
grid_key_dx<dim, int> & pointCoord,
DataBlockWrapperT & dataBlockLoad,
DataBlockWrapperT & dataBlockStore,
unsigned char curMask,
lambda_func f,
ArgT ... args)
typedef typename SparseGridT::AggregateBlockType AggregateT;
typedef ScalarTypeOf<AggregateT, p_src1> ScalarT1;
typedef ScalarTypeOf<AggregateT, p_src1> ScalarT2;
typedef ScalarTypeOf<AggregateT, p_src1> ScalarT3;
constexpr unsigned int enlargedBlockSize = IntPow<
SparseGridT::getBlockEdgeSize() + 2 * supportRadius, dim>::value;
__shared__ ScalarT1 enlargedBlock1[enlargedBlockSize];
__shared__ ScalarT2 enlargedBlock2[enlargedBlockSize];
__shared__ ScalarT3 enlargedBlock3[enlargedBlockSize];
// fill with background
typedef typename vmpl_create_constant<dim,SparseGridT::blockEdgeSize_>::type block_sizes;
typedef typename vmpl_sum_constant<2*stencil_size,block_sizes>::type vmpl_sizes;
cp_block<ScalarT1,stencil_size,vmpl_sizes,dim> cpb1(enlargedBlock1);
cp_block<ScalarT2,stencil_size,vmpl_sizes,dim> cpb2(enlargedBlock2);
cp_block<ScalarT3,stencil_size,vmpl_sizes,dim> cpb3(enlargedBlock3);
sparseGrid.template loadGhostBlock<p_src1>(dataBlockLoad, dataBlockIdPos, enlargedBlock1);
sparseGrid.template loadGhostBlock<p_src2>(dataBlockLoad, dataBlockIdPos, enlargedBlock2);
sparseGrid.template loadGhostBlock<p_src3>(dataBlockLoad, dataBlockIdPos, enlargedBlock3);
ScalarT1 res1 = 0;
ScalarT2 res2 = 0;
ScalarT3 res3 = 0;
if ((curMask & mask_sparse::EXIST) && !(curMask & mask_sparse::PADDING))
int coord[dim];
unsigned int linIdTmp = offset;
for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
coord[d] = linIdTmp % SparseGridT::blockEdgeSize_;
linIdTmp /= SparseGridT::blockEdgeSize_;
dataBlockStore.template get<p_dst1>()[offset] = res1;
dataBlockStore.template get<p_dst2>()[offset] = res2;
dataBlockStore.template get<p_dst3>()[offset] = res3;
template <typename SparseGridT, typename CtxT>
static inline void __host__ flush(SparseGridT & sparseGrid, CtxT & ctx)
// No flush
template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int n_loop, unsigned int p_src1, unsigned int p_src2, unsigned int p_dst1, unsigned int p_dst2, unsigned int stencil_size>
struct stencil_func_conv2
......@@ -966,7 +1072,7 @@ namespace SparseGridGpuKernels
auto dataBlockLoad = dataBuffer.get(dataBlockPos); // Avoid binary searches as much as possible
// todo: Add management of RED-BLACK stencil application! :)
const unsigned int dataBlockId = indexBuffer.template get<pIndex>(dataBlockPos);
const auto dataBlockId = indexBuffer.template get<pIndex>(dataBlockPos);
grid_key_dx<dim, int> pointCoord = sparseGrid.getCoord(dataBlockId * blockSize + offset);
unsigned char curMask;
......@@ -172,6 +172,11 @@ namespace openfpm
return v_size;
__host__ __device__ size_t size_local() const
return size();
/*! \brief return the maximum capacity of the vector before reallocation
* \return the capacity of the vector
......@@ -204,6 +209,38 @@ namespace openfpm
return base.template get<p>(key);
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
* Get an element of the vector
* \tparam p Property to get
* \param id Element to get
* \return the element value requested
template <unsigned int p>
__device__ __host__ inline auto getProp(unsigned int id) const -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
return this->get<p>(id);
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
* Get an element of the vector
* \tparam p Property to get
* \param id Element to get
* \return the element value requested
template <unsigned int p, typename key_type>
__device__ __host__ inline auto getProp(key_type id) const -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
return this->get<p>(id.getKey());
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
......@@ -488,7 +525,22 @@ namespace openfpm
return base.getGPUIterator(start,stop,n_thr);
/*! \brief Get a domain iterator for the GPU
ite_gpu<1> getDomainIteratorGPU(size_t n_thr = default_kernel_wg_threads_) const
return getGPUIterator(n_thr);
//Stub for some expression
void init() const {}
__host__ __device__ auto value(unsigned int p) -> decltype(base.template get<0>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
return get<0>(p);
/*! \brief Get an iterator for the GPU
......@@ -501,6 +553,7 @@ namespace openfpm
return base.getGPUIterator(start,stop_,n_thr);
/*! \brief operator= this operator absorb the pointers, consider that this object wrap device pointers
* \param object to copy
......@@ -514,6 +567,16 @@ namespace openfpm
return *this;
__device__ __host__ vector_gpu_ker<T,layout_base> & getVector()
return *this;
__device__ __host__ const vector_gpu_ker<T,layout_base> & getVector() const
return *this;
/*! \brief Return the base
* \return the base
......@@ -596,6 +659,11 @@ namespace openfpm
return vref.size();
__host__ __device__ size_t size_local() const
return size();
__device__ __host__ unsigned int capacity() const
return vref.capacity;
......@@ -692,6 +760,16 @@ namespace openfpm
return vref.getGPUItertatorTo(stop,n_thr);
vector_gpu_ker<T,layout_base> & getVector()
return *this;
const vector_gpu_ker<T,layout_base> & getVector() const
return *this;
__host__ vector_gpu_ker_ref<T,layout_base> & operator=(const vector_gpu_ker<T,layout_base> & v)
......@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ namespace openfpm
* \return the size
*/ //remove host device
size_t size_local() const
return v_size;
......@@ -1359,7 +1359,21 @@ namespace openfpm
return base.get_o(key);
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
* Get an element of the vector
* \tparam p Property to get
* \param id Element to get
* \return the element value requested
*/ //remove device host
template <unsigned int p>
inline auto getProp(const unsigned int & id) -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
{ //uncomment this
return this->template get<p>(id);
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
* Get an element of the vector
......@@ -1369,12 +1383,12 @@ namespace openfpm
* \return the element value requested
template <unsigned int p,typename KeyType>
inline auto getProp(const KeyType & id) -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
*///remove host device
template <unsigned int p,typename KeyType>
inline auto getProp(const KeyType & id) -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
return this->template get<p>(id.getKey());
//uncomment this
return this->template get<p>(id.getKey());
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
......@@ -1386,10 +1400,10 @@ namespace openfpm
* \return the element value requested
*/ //remove device host
template <unsigned int p, typename keyType>
inline auto getProp(const keyType & id) const -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
inline auto getProp(const keyType & id) const -> decltype(base.template get<p>(grid_key_dx<1>(0)))
{ //uncomment this
return this->template get<p>(id.getKey());
......@@ -1930,6 +1944,7 @@ namespace openfpm
return base.getGPUIterator(start,stop_,n_thr);
/*! \brief Get the vector elements iterator
......@@ -1987,6 +2002,14 @@ namespace openfpm
return base.getGPUIterator(start,stop,n_thr);
/*! \brief Get a domain iterator for the GPU
ite_gpu<1> getDomainIteratorGPU(size_t n_thr = default_kernel_wg_threads_) const
return getGPUIterator(n_thr);
/*! \brief Return the size of the message needed to pack this object
......@@ -2071,6 +2094,19 @@ namespace openfpm
return 1;
/*! \brief Return the memory object
* Return the memory object
* \tparam p array to retrieve
template<unsigned int p>
auto getMemory() -> decltype(base.template getMemory<p>())
return base.template getMemory<p>();
/*! \brief Set the memory of the base structure using an object
* \param mem Memory object to use for allocation
......@@ -1016,6 +1016,18 @@ public:
return base_type::get(id);
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
* \param id element to get
* \return the element reference
inline T & operator[](size_t id)
return base_type::get(id);
/*! \brief Get an element of the vector
* \param id element to get
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ template<int ... prp> inline void pack(ExtPreAlloc<HeapMemory> & mem, Pack_stat
* \param mem preallocated memory from where to unpack the vector
* \param ps unpack-stat info
template<int ... prp> inline void unpack(ExtPreAlloc<HeapMemory> & mem, Unpack_stat & ps)
template<int ... prp, typename MemType> inline void unpack(ExtPreAlloc<MemType> & mem, Unpack_stat & ps)
//if all of the aggregate properties are simple (don't have "pack()" member)
if (has_pack_agg<T,prp...>::result::value == false)
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ template<int ... prp> inline void unpack(ExtPreAlloc<HeapMemory> & mem, Unpack_s
//Unpack a size of a source vector
size_t u2 = 0;
Unpacker<size_t, HeapMemory>::unpack(mem,u2,ps);
Unpacker<size_t, MemType>::unpack(mem,u2,ps);
//Resize a destination vector
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ template<int ... prp> inline void unpack(ExtPreAlloc<HeapMemory> & mem, Unpack_s
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < this->size() ; i++)
//Call an unpacker in nested way
call_aggregateUnpack<decltype(this->get(i)),HeapMemory,prp ... >::call_unpack(this->get(i),mem,ps);
call_aggregateUnpack<decltype(this->get(i)),MemType,prp ... >::call_unpack(this->get(i),mem,ps);
......@@ -24,11 +24,14 @@
#define __CUDACC__
#define __CUDA__
#include "util/cuda/moderngpu/kernel_merge.hxx"
#include <thrust/merge.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
#include "util/cuda/moderngpu/kernel_merge.hxx"
#include <thrust/merge.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
// #include "util/cuda/moderngpu/kernel_merge.hxx"
#include "util/cuda/ofp_context.hxx"
......@@ -98,7 +101,14 @@
// It seems broken on some CUDA on some hardware. Anyway is not anymore supported
// on some hardware ... we move to thrust
// mgpu::merge(a_keys,a_vals,a_count,b_keys,b_vals,b_count,c_keys,c_vals,comp,context);
thrust::merge_by_key(thrust::device, a_keys,a_keys + a_count,
b_keys,b_keys + b_count,
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
// Here we have old CUDA
#include "cub_old/cub.cuh"
#include "util/cuda/moderngpu/kernel_reduce.hxx"
//#include "util/cuda/moderngpu/kernel_reduce.hxx"
#include "util/cuda/ofp_context.hxx"
......@@ -98,4 +99,4 @@ namespace openfpm
#endif /* REDUCE_OFP_HPP_ */
\ No newline at end of file
#endif /* REDUCE_OFP_HPP_ */