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#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
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#+ echo=FALSE, error=F


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## todo use textual input here for ease of use
doc <- '
Perform an enrichment analysis for a set of genes
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Usage: cp_enrichment.R [options] <gene_lists_tsv> <group_col>

--overlay_expr_data Tsv with overlay data for the kegg pathways
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--list_id_col Column containing the grouping variable to speparate different lists [default: ]
--project <project_prefix>   Name to prefix all generated result files [default: ]

opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE)) ## does not work when spining
# opts <- docopt(doc, "--overlay_expr_data ../plot_score_matrix.txt ../degs_by_contrast.txt contrast" )
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## to fix child support issue with knitr, see also
# todo disabled because root.dir in parent document seems the only working solution
#if(exists('project_dir')) setwd(project_dir)

## load the data
geneLists <- read_tsv(opts$gene_lists_tsv)
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geneLists %<>% group_by_(.dots=group_col)

#geneLists %<>% filter(cluster %in% c("cluster_1", "cluster_2"))

    overlayData <- read_tsv(opts$overlay_expr_data)
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## TODO expose options to run gesa instead (by assuming that gene lists are sorted)
## see for details
resultsBaseName <- if(str_length(opts$project)>0) paste0(opts$project, ".") else basename(opts$gene_lists_tsv) %>% trim_ext("txt") #%>% paste0(".")
#resultsBaseName=basename(opts$gene_lists_tsv) %>% trim_ext("txt") #%>% paste0(".")
unloadNamespace('dplyr'); require(dplyr)

#' ## Enrichment Analysis

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#' This analysis was performed using [clusterProfiler]( The following ontologies were tested: Kegg, Go, Reactome, Dose,

listLabels <- geneLists %>% select(-ensembl_gene_id) %>% distinct
listLabels %<>% transform(, c(listLabels, sep="__")))

geneLists %>% inner_join(listLabels) %>%
    ggplot(aes(list_label)) +
    geom_bar() +
    coord_flip() +
    ggtitle("gene list sizes to be tested for term enrichment") +

## todo move to diffex commons
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guess_cp_species <- function(ensIds){
    an_id <-ensIds[1]

    if(str_detect(an_id, "ENSG")){
    }else if(str_detect(an_id, "ENSMUSG")){
    }else if(str_detect(an_id, "ENSDARG")){
    }else if(str_detect(an_id, "FBgn")){
        stop(paste("could not clusterProfiler species name from ", an_id))

guess_anno_db <- function(ensIds){
    an_id <-ensIds[1]

    if(str_detect(an_id, "ENSG")){
    }else if(str_detect(an_id, "ENSMUSG")){
    }else if(str_detect(an_id, "ENSDARG")){
    }else if(str_detect(an_id, "FBgn")){
        stop(paste("could not anno db mart from ", an_id))

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#yy = enrichKEGG(gcSample[[5]], pvalueCutoff=0.01)
## seems broken
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cpSpecies <- guess_cp_species(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id)
annoDb <- guess_anno_db(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id) # e.g. ""

## supported ids

## convert to entrez gene ids

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glMappedRaw <-  clusterProfiler::bitr(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id, fromType="ENSEMBL", toType="ENTREZID", annoDb=annoDb) %>%
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    set_names("ensembl_gene_id", "entrez_gene_id") %>% right_join(geneLists)
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#' Check how many failed to map

glMapped <- glMappedRaw %>% filter(! %>% select(-ensembl_gene_id)  %>%
    ## regroup the data
    #    group_by_(cluster)
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    group_by_(.dots=group_col %>% ac)
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## TODO  expose as argument

#pCutoff <- 0.05
qCutoff <- 0.01
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## retain just 1500 genes at max per group
#glMappedSub <- glMapped %>% do({shuffle(.) %>% head(1500)})
#count(glMappedSub, cluster)

## sync reactome pacakge to node
if(Sys.getenv("LSF_SERVERDIR")!="" && dir.exists("/tmp/local_r_packages")){
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    system("if [ ! -d '/tmp/local_r_packages/reactome.db/' ]; then scp -r falcon:/tmp/local_r_packages /tmp ; fi")
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cp_test <- function(geneIds){
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    # DEBUG geneIds <- glMapped %>% filter(cluster %in% c("cluster_3")) %$% entrez_gene_id %>% as.integer
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    # DEBUG geneIds <- head(glMapped,30)$entrez_gene_id
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#    geneIds=.$entrez_gene_id
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        geneIds <- sample(geneIds) %>% head(1500)

    echo("testing", length(geneIds), " genes for enrichment")

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#    PANTHER10_ontology <- read.delim("")
#    pantherResults <-     enricher(gene = geneIds, organism = cpSpecies, qvalueCutoff = qCutoff, readable = TRUE, TERM2GENE = PANTHER10_ontology) %>% summary()
    keggResults <-        enrichKEGG(gene = geneIds, organism = cpSpecies, qvalueCutoff = qCutoff, readable = TRUE, use_internal_data=T) %>% summary()
    reactomeResults <- enrichPathway(gene = geneIds, organism = cpSpecies, qvalueCutoff = qCutoff, readable = TRUE) %>% summary()
    goResultsCC <-          enrichGO(gene = geneIds, organism = cpSpecies, qvalueCutoff = qCutoff, readable = TRUE, ont = "CC") %>% summary()
    goResultsMF <-          enrichGO(gene = geneIds, organism = cpSpecies, qvalueCutoff = qCutoff, readable = TRUE, ont = "MF") %>% summary()
    goResultsBP <-          enrichGO(gene = geneIds, organism = cpSpecies, qvalueCutoff = qCutoff, readable = TRUE, ont = "BP") %>% summary()
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    enrResults <- rbind_list(
        mutate(keggResults, ontology="kegg"),
        mutate(reactomeResults, ontology="reactome"),
        mutate(goResultsBP, ontology="go_bp"),
        mutate(goResultsMF, ontology="go_mf"),
        mutate(goResultsCC, ontology="go_cc")
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## prety slow
enrResults <-  quote(glMapped %>% do(cp_test(.$entrez_gene_id))) %>% cache_it(paste0("enrdata_", digest(glMapped)))
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## run the actual enrichment test for all clusters and all ontologies
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#library(foreach); library(doMC); registerDoMC(cores=20)
## library(GOstats) inside your %dopar% loop. And then start with a fresh session, so GOstats is not loaded outside the loop. It worked for me.
#enrResults <- ddply(glMapped, groups(glMapped) %>% ac, function(curGroup){
#  cp_test(curGroup$entrez_gene_id)
#}, .progress="text", .parallel=F) %>% cache_it(paste0("enrdata_", digest(glMapped)))
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unloadNamespace('dplyr'); require(dplyr) ## tbd seriously???
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#enrResults %<>% rename(Category=Description)
#enrResults %<>% rename(ontology=Category)

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## remove to clumsy gene_id columns
enrResults %<>% select(-geneID)

write.delim(enrResults, file=paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
# enrResults <- read.delim(paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt"))
#'  [Enrichment Results](`r paste0(resultsBaseName, "enrResults.txt")`)


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#enrResults %>% ggplot(aes(pvalue)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_log10()
#enrResults %>% ggplot(aes(ontology)) + facet_wrap(~cluster) + geom_bar() + rot_x_lab()
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#facetSpecs <- paste("~", groups(geneLists) %>% ac %>% paste(collapse=" + "))
facetSpecs <- paste("~", group_col %>% ac %>% paste(collapse=" + "))
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#' Visualize term-pvalues per list

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enrResults %>% ggplot(aes(ontology)) + facet_wrap(as.formula(facetSpecs), ncol=3) + geom_bar() + rot_x_lab() + ggtitle("enriched term counts by cluster")
enrResults %<>% mutate(num_term_genes=str_split_fixed(BgRatio, fixed("/"),2)[,1] %>% as.numeric)
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#' Keep at max 100 terms for visualzation per group
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## restablish the grouping and limit results per group to 100
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#enrResults %<>% group_by_(.dots=groups(geneLists) %>% ac)
#enrResults %<>% group_by_(.dots=group_col)
#enrResults %<>% sample_frac(1) %>% filter((row_number()<100)) %>% group_by_(.dots=group_col)

#tt <- enrResults %>% group_by_(.dots=c(group_col,"ontology")) %>% arrange(-qvalue) %>% dplyr::slice(1:10)
#enrResults %>% filter(cluster=="cluster_1")
#enrResults %>% group_by_(.dots=c(group_col)) %>% ggplot(aes(pvalue, qvalue, color=ontology))+ geom_point()
#enrResults %>% group_by_(.dots=c(group_col)) %>% ggplot(aes(pvalue, p.adjust, color=cluster))+ geom_point()
erPlotData <- enrResults %>% group_by_(.dots=c(group_col)) %>% arrange(qvalue) %>% slice(1:10) %>%
      ## regroup because otherwise dplyr complains about corrupt df (which looks like a bug)
#count(erPlotData, cluster)
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#+ include=FALSE, eval=FALSE
## plot the enrichment results
#sigEnrResults %>% group_by(Category, add=T) %>% do({
#    logPlot <- . %>% ggplot(aes(Term, PValue)) +
#	    geom_bar(stat="identity")+coord_flip() +
#	    xlab("Enriched Terms") +
#	    ggtitle(.$Category[1]) +
#	    scale_y_log10()
#	    print(logPlot)

#sigEnrResults %>%
##    select(-Genes) %>%
#    do({
#    enrResultsGrp <- .
#    ## DEBUG enrResultsGrp <- sigEnrResults
##    geneLists %>% first(1) %>% select(-ensembl_gene_id) %>% paste0(., collapse="_")
#    label <- geneLists %>% semi_join(enrResultsGrp) %>% first(1) %>% dplyr::select(-ensembl_gene_id) %>% paste0(., collapse="_")
#    echo("processing", label)
#    logPlot <- enrResultsGrp %>%
#        ## fix factor order
#        mutate(Term=reorder(Term, -PValue) %>% reorder(as.integer(Category))) %>%
#        ggplot(aes(Term, PValue, fill=Category)) +
#	    geom_bar(stat="identity")+
#	    coord_flip() +
#	    xlab("Enriched Terms") +
#	    ggtitle(label) +
#	    scale_y_log10()
#	    ggsave(paste0(resultsBaseName, label, ".enrichmed_terms.pdf"))
#	    print(logPlot)

#+ error=TRUE, echo=FALSE
warning("dropping levels")
erPlotData %<>% mutate(ontology=ac(ontology)) ## drop unsused level to get consistent color palette
erPlotData %<>% rename(Term=Description)
term_category_colors <- create_palette(unique(ac(erPlotData$ontology)))
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figDir <- "enr_charts"
term_barplot_files <- erPlotData %>%
    ## chop and pad category names
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    mutate(Term=str_sub(Term, 1, 70) %>% str_pad(70)) %>%
    enrResultsGrp <- .
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#    browser()
    ## DEBUG enrResultsGrp <- sigEnrResults
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#    label <- geneLists %>% semi_join(enrResultsGrp) %>% first(1) %>% dplyr::select(-ensembl_gene_id) %>% paste0(., collapse="_")
    label <- subset(enrResultsGrp, select=group_col)[1,1] %>% as.matrix %>% ac

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    warning(paste0("processing terms", paste(ac(unique(enrResultsGrp$Category)), collapse=",")))
    logPlot <- enrResultsGrp %>%
        ## fix factor order
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        mutate(Term=reorder(Term, -qvalue) %>% reorder(as.integer(as.factor(ontology)))) %>%
        ggplot(aes(Term, num_term_genes, fill=qvalue, color=ontology)) +
        scale_color_manual(values = term_category_colors, drop=F, name="Ontology") +
        coord_flip() +
        xlab("Enriched Terms") +
        ggtitle(label) +

        # print(logPlot)

    ## todo  use builtin method to create filesystem-compatible name
    fileNameLabel <- label %>%
        str_replace_all("!=", "ne") %>%
        str_replace_all(">", "gt") %>%
        str_replace_all("<", "lt") %>%
        str_replace_all(fixed("&"), "AND") %>%
        str_replace_all(fixed("|"), "OR") %>%
        str_replace_all(" ", "_")

#        ggsave(paste0("enrichmed_terms__", fileNameLabel, ".pdf"))
#        print(logPlot)

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     tmpPng <- paste0(figDir, "/enrterms__", fileNameLabel, ".png")
     ggsave(tmpPng, logPlot, width=10, height = 2+round(nrow(enrResultsGrp)/5), limitsize=FALSE)

#+ results="asis"
l_ply(term_barplot_files$file, function(pngFile){ cat(paste0("<img src='", pngFile, "'><br>"))})

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#' ## Enriched KEGG Pathways
#+ eval=(nrow(enrResults %>% filter(ontology=="kegg")) >0)

#' To understand spatio-temporal changes in gene expression better we now overlay enriched kegg pathways with the -log10(q_value) of each contrast. The direction of the expression changes is encoded as color, whereby red indicates that sample_1 is overexpressed. Because we have multiple contrasts of interest, this defines a slice-color barcode for each gene. To relate the barcode to contrasts we define the following slice order:

## todo why is tidyr not processing an empty dataframe
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keggPathways <- enrResults %>% filter(ontology=="kegg") %$% ac(ID) %>% unique() # %>% head(3) ## todo remove debug head

##+ results='asis'
#if(!exists("keggPathways") | nrow(keggPathways)==0){
#    cat("No enriched pathways found")

#+ echo=FALSE
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# keggPathways <- keggPathways[1]

#    echo("no enriched kegg pathways were found in the dataset")

#keggOrCode <- "mmu"
keggOrCode <- guess_pathview_species(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id)

## prepare p-value data
sliceData <- overlayData %>%
#    dcast(ensembl_gene_id ~ comparison, value.var="plot_score") %>%

#sliceData <- sliceData[,1:5]
#sliceData %>% head %>% kable()

data.frame(set=names(sliceData)) %>% mutate(slice_index=row_number()) %>% kable()

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pwPlotDir <-".pathways"
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plot_pathway <- function(pathwayID, sliceData){
#    pathwayID="mmu04015"; sliceData <- sliceData
#    browser()
#    echo("processing pathway", pathwayID)
    pv.out <- pathview(
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   = sliceData,
   = pathwayID,
            species = keggOrCode,
#            out.suffix = pathwayID$kegg.description,
#            out.suffix = pathwayID,
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            multi.state = ncol(sliceData)>1,
#            kegg.native=F,
#            node.sum = "mean", # the method name to calculate node summary given that multiple genes or compounds are mapped to it
            limit = list(gene = c(-4,4)),

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    if(is.numeric(pv.out) && pv.out==0) return(pathwayID) ## happens if pathview fails to parse xml e.g. for mmu01100

    outfile <- paste0(pathwayID, ".pathview", ifelse(ncol(sliceData)>1, ".multi", ""), ".png")

    ## move pathway plots into figures sub-directory
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    figuresPlotFile <- file.path(pwPlotDir, outfile)
    system(paste("mv", outfile, figuresPlotFile))

    system(paste("rm", paste0(pathwayID, ".xml"), paste0(pathwayID, ".png")))

    ## interactive plotting
#    ima <- readPNG(outfile)
#    lim <- par()
#    rasterImage(ima, lim$usr[1], lim$usr[3], lim$usr[2], lim$usr[4])



#keggPathways <- c("mmu04976", "mmu04972", "mmu04810", "mmu04520", "mmu04530", "mmu04270", "mmu04015")
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#keggPathways <- c("mmu00830")

pathwayPlots <- keggPathways %>% llply(function(pathwayID){
    plot_pathway(pathwayID, sliceData)

save(pathwayPlots, file=".pathwayPlots.RData")
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# pathwayPlots <- local(get(load(".pathwayPlots.RData")))

## remove and report failed ones
failedPPs <- pathwayPlots[lapply(pathwayPlots, is.character) > 0]
echo("the following pathways failed to render:", paste(failedPPs, collapse=", "))
pathwayPlots <- pathwayPlots[lapply(pathwayPlots, is.character) == 0]

## make sure that all files exist
stopifnot(llply(pathwayPlots, function(x) file.exists(x$plotfile)) %>% unlist %>% all)

## prepare tooltips with expression scores
ens2entrez <- quote({
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#    mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(guess_mart(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id), mart = biomaRt::useMart("ensembl"))
     ## todo fix this
    mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(guess_mart(geneLists$ensembl_gene_id), mart = biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host=""))

    biomaRt::getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'entrezgene', 'external_gene_name'), mart=mart) %>% filter(!
}) %>% cache_it("ens2entrez") %>% distinct(ensembl_gene_id)

toolTipData <- overlayData %>% left_join(ens2entrez)

makeTooltip <- function(entrez_id){
    toolTipData %>% filter(entrezgene==entrez_id) %>% dplyr::select(-entrezgene) %>% gather() %$% paste(key, value, sep=": ") %>% paste(collapse="\n") #%>% cat

#+ results="asis", echo=FALSE

## simple non-clickable plots
#unlist(lapply(pathwayPlots, "[[", "plotfile"))
# unlist(lapply(pathwayPlots, "[[", "plotfile")) %>% l_ply(function(pngFile){ cat(paste0("<img src='", pngFile, "'><br>"))})

#<style type='text/css'>
# img {
#   max-width: 100%;
# }

## todo add tooltips with additinal info

## extended version with clickable links
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createImgMap <- function(plotData){
    warning("compiling overlay toolips...")
    #plotData <- pathwayPlots[[1]]
    #plotData <- unlist(pathwayPlots)
#    pathway_id=(basename(pngFile) %>% str_split_fixed("[.]", 2))[,1]
    pngFile <- plotData$plotfile
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    ## create link for image map
    keggNodes <- plotData$ %>%
        ## remove box offset
        mutate(x=x-22, y=y-8) %>% ## todo does not work for non-gene elements
        mutate(link=paste0("", keggOrCode, ":", kegg.names )) %>%
        rowwise() %>% do({ curNode=.; mutate(as.df(curNode), tooltip=makeTooltip(as.integer(curNode$kegg.names)))})

    ## create tooltip by using mapping to

#    "

    ## first the image itself
#    cat(paste0("<img usemap='#", pathway_id,"' src='", pngFile, "'><br>"))
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#    cat(paste0("<p><div style='width: 2000px'><img style='float: left' usemap='#", pathway_id,"' src='", pngFile, "'></div><br>"))
    ## it seems that formatting works better without the left alignment
    cat(paste0("<p><div style='width: 2000px'><img usemap='#", pathway_id,"' src='", pngFile, "'></div><br>"))
    cat(paste0("<map name='", pathway_id,"'>"))
    #keggNodes %>% rowwise() %>% {curNode=.; cat(curNode$name)}

    keggNodes %>% a_ply(1, function(curNode){
        rectDef=with(curNode, paste(x, y, x+width, y+height, sep=","))
#        paste0("<area href='", curNode$link, "' alt='Text' coords='", rectDef , "' shape='rect'>") %>% cat()
        paste0("<area href='", curNode$link, "' title='", curNode$tooltip, "' alt='Text' coords='",rectDef , "' shape='rect'>") %>% cat()

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pathwayPlots %>% l_ply(createImgMap)

## respin it for cild inclusion
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# require(knitr); setwd("/Volumes/projects/bioinfo/scripts/ngs_tools/dev/common"); spin("cp_enrichment.R", knit=F)
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#' ## Notes
#' Other interesting tools to perform enrichment testing
#' * [piano](