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tothpetroczylab / SHARK
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseSimilarity/Homology Assessment by Relating K-mers
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bioinfo / ngs_tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA collection of tools to process and manipulate high-throughput sequencing data
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tothpetroczylab / Picnic
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePICNIC (Proteins Involved in CoNdensates In Cells) is machine learning-based model that predicts proteins involved in biomolecular condensates.
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Backend APIs (Flask) exposing data from database in RESTful format
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A web service for calculating the Levenshtein distance between two sequences
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tothpetroczylab / deTELpy
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePython package of the deTEL translation error detection pipeline from mass-spectrometry data
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steinbac / ngs_tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA collection of tools to process and manipulate high-throughput sequencing data
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