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Commit 10aa9858 authored by Marc Karnat's avatar Marc Karnat
Browse files

Major revamp. Reduce and unified fitting code.

parent 01ca53ec
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%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from math import *
from single_droplet import (solve_comparison_python_matlab, solve_python,relativeerror,
plot_relative_error_and_comp_time, plot_RMS_and_comp_time,
plot_save_result, video)
from fem_frap_mat import (solve_python,relativeerror,
plot_save_result, video,plot_error_and_comp_time)
##### PARAMETERS #####
nu = 10**-6
Xi = 7./3
a = -1. # - radius of the droplet => use 1
b = sqrt(Xi/(Xi -2))*pow(nu,1/3) # => width of Phitot and Gamma0
Partitioning = 20.
Phi_in = 0.8
gamma_in = 10
gamma_out = 230
gamma_in = 5
gamma_out = 1
u_g0 = gamma_in
e_g0 = gamma_out - gamma_in
Phi_out = Phi_in/Partitioning
e = (Phi_in - Phi_out)/2
u0 = (Phi_in + Phi_out)/2
t_final = 0.5
dt = 0.1 # Must be the same as the matlab solver if we want to compare to it
Nb_step = int(t_final/dt)
parameters = [a, b, e, u0, e_g0, u_g0, Nb_step, dt]
Plot = 1 # 1 if we want to plot, 0 otherwise
Save = 1 # 1 if we want to save the plot, 0 otherwise
Save_paraview = 1 # 1 if we want to save on paraview (.xdmf), 0 otherwise
Matlab = 1 # 1 if we want to plot Matlab Result in 'plot_save_result' , 0 otherwiseS
IC = 0 # 1: Half FRAP, 0: Full FRAP
dimension = 3 # Choose the dimension of the problem, 1: like 1D, 2 = Disk, 3 = Sphere
# This function compare the Matlab results and the Python ones:
Matlab = 1 # 1 if we want to compare with Matlab ,0 otherwise
IC = 1 # 1: Half FRAP, 0: Full FRAP
# Choose the dimension of the problem, 1: like 1D, 2 = Disk, 3 = Sphere
dimension = 3
# solve_comparison_python_matlab(Plot,Save,Save_paraview,dimension,parameters,'mesh_file.xml',
# 'save_results_file.txt','save_computing_time_file.txt','save_RMS_file.txt','save_paraview_file.xdmf')
## This function solve the python FEM:
# This function compute the Python results:
# solve_python(IC, Matlab, Plot, Save,Save_paraview, dimension, parameters,
# 'mesh.xml','save_results_file.txt','save_computing_time_file.txt',
# 'save_RMS_file.txt','save_paraview_file.xdmf')
# solve_python(IC, Plot, Save, Save_paraview, dimension, parameters,
# 'mesh_file.xml', 'save_results_file.txt','save_computing_time_file.txt','save_paraview_file.xdmf')
# Plot the result from the save file containing the python results along a line:
## Plot the result from the save file containing the python results along a line,
## we can plot or not Matlab ones:
# plot_save_result(IC,Matlab,'save_results_file1.txt','save_results_file2.txt')
# Make a video from the result from the save file containing the python results along a line:
# video(IC, 'video_save.mp4','save_results_file1.txt','save_results_file2.txt')
## Make a video from the result from the save file with the python results along a line:
# video(IC, 'video_save.mp4','save_results_file1.txt','save_results_file2.txt')
# Compute the relative error between the matlab reference and the simulation:
# relativeerror('save_results_file.txt', 'save_relative_error.txt')
## Compute the relative error between the matlab reference and the simulation:
# Plot the relative error in function of time and the mean of this plot with the computing time:
# relativeerror('save_results_file.txt', 'save_relative_error.txt')
# plot_relative_error_and_comp_time( 'save_relative_error1.txt','save_computing_time_file1.txt',
# 'save_relative_error2.txt','save_computing_time_file2.txt')
# Plot the Root Mean square results in function of time and the mean of this plot with the computing time:
## Plot the relative error or the Root Mean square resultsin function of time
## and the mean of this plot with the computing time:
## relat_or_RMS = 1 # ,=1: plot relative error, =2 plot RMS, the right file need to be put in entry
# plot_RMS_and_comp_time('save_RMS_file1.txt','save_computing_time_file1.txt','save_RMS_file2.txt',
# 'save_computing_time_file2.txt')
# plot_error_and_comp_time(relat_or_RMS,'save_relative_error.txt','save_computing_time_file.txt' )
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from math import *
from fit_mobility import (data_to_mesh,Artificial_data_set,error_real_data,
fit_data_from_exp, plot_conv, vector,compute_sigma,
r = 10.252 # radius of the droplet extract from the data
Phi_max_sim = 0.8 # = Maximum value of Phi iniside the simulation = Phi_in
background = 100 # extract from the data, use in the normalization
frame_before_FRAP = 9 # Frame before FRAP, used to initialize the simulation
frame_ic = 30 # Frame that will be used as initial conditions
frame_final = 60 # Last frame of the data used
nu = 10**-9
Xi = 7./3
a = -r # - radius of the droplet
b = sqrt(Xi/(Xi -2))*pow(nu,1/3) # width of Phitot and Gamma0
dt = 0.1 # time step of the simulation
tf = 3 # final time of the simulation
gamma_in = 100
gamma_out = 200
u_g0 = gamma_in
e_g0 = gamma_out - gamma_in
Partitioning = 20.
Phi_in = Phi_max_sim
Phi_out = Phi_in/Partitioning
e = (Phi_in - Phi_out)/2
u0 = (Phi_in + Phi_out)/2
eval_radius = 0.9 # we evaluate 90% of the domain for computing the error
kept_radius = 0.9 # we kept 90% of the domain to filter the abberations
mesh_file = 'mesh.xml'
Tif_file = 'Analysis/halfFrapBig_t000000_cropped.tif'
Mid_point_radius_file = 'Analysis/mid_point_and_radius.csv'
# file where points values used in the fitting are stocked
Point_evaluate = 'Points/Point_evaluate.txt'
# file where points X coord. used in the fitting are stocked
X_coordonate = 'Points/X_coordonate.txt'
# file where points Y coord. used in the fitting are stocked
Y_coordonate = 'Points/Y_coordonate.txt'
# file where points Z coord, used in the fitting are stocked
Z_coordonate = 'Points/Z_coordonate.txt'
save_file = 'results.txt' # file where the result along a line is saved
xdmf_file = 'test.xdmf' # file where the simulation is saved
save_parameters_file = 'save_para.txt'
plot_vector_, R_plot = vector(0,1,0,eval_radius*r) #vector(z,y,x)
save_vector_, R_save = vector(0,1,0,eval_radius*r) #vector(z,y,x)
Plot = 1 # 1 if we want to plot, 0 otherwise
Save = 0 # 1 if we want to save the plot, 0 otherwise
Save_Paraview = 0 # 1 if we want to save on paraview (.xdmf), 0 otherwise
Save_Parameters = 1 # 1 if we want to save parameters, 0 otherwise
type_data = 0
## type_data=0: initial condition extract from real data
## type_data=1: initial condition full FRAP
## type_data=2: initial condition half FRAP
noise = 0
## noise =1 : Add statistical fluctuations inside the droplet
Normalization_para = [Phi_max_sim, background]
sigma = compute_sigma(Tif_file,Normalization_para,
parameters = [a, b, e, u0, e_g0, u_g0, tf ,dt,Partitioning,sigma]
base_folder = 'TEST/'
x0 = [e_g0, u_g0, Partitioning]
gamma_in_seed = 1
gamma_out_seed = 1
u_g0_seed = gamma_in_seed
e_g0_seed = gamma_out_seed - gamma_in_seed
seed_parameters = [e_g0_seed,u_g0_seed,Partitioning]
## Create ref points from the data
# data_to_mesh(Plot, Save,Save_Parameters, save_parameters_file,
# Normalization_para,frame_ic,frame_final,
# frame_before_FRAP,Tif_file, Mid_point_radius_file,save_file,
# eval_radius, plot_vector_, R_plot,save_vector_, R_save,
# Point_evaluate,X_coordonate, Y_coordonate, Z_coordonate)
## Create ref points with artificial parameters,
## type_data allow to choose the initial conditions
# Artificial_data_set(type_data, noise, Plot, Save, Save_Paraview,
# Save_Parameters, save_parameters_file,parameters,
# Normalization_para,Tif_file,Mid_point_radius_file,
# frame_before_FRAP,frame_ic,eval_radius, kept_radius,
# mesh_file, save_file,xdmf_file, plot_vector_, R_plot,
# save_vector_, R_save,Point_evaluate, X_coordonate,
# Y_coordonate, Z_coordonate)
## allow to compute only one time the interpolation between
## the real data and the simulation
# Phi_u01, Phi_u1, V, v, Phi_tot_int, Phi_tot_ext = IC_once(parameters,
# Normalization_para,mesh_file,Tif_file,
# Mid_point_radius_file,frame_before_FRAP,
# frame_ic, kept_radius)
## Compute error from artificial data (Ic full FRAP or Half FRAP)
# error_artificial_data(x0,2, parameters, mesh_file, X_coordonate,Y_coordonate,
# Z_coordonate,Point_evaluate, base_folder )
## Compute error from real data or artificial data initialize with real data
# error_real_data(x0,1, parameters,Phi_tot_int, Phi_tot_ext,Phi_u01, Phi_u1,v,
# V,X_coordonate,Y_coordonate,Z_coordonate,Point_evaluate, base_folder)
## Fit mobility from artificial data (Ic full FRAP or Half FRAP)
## type_data can't be 0 here
# fit_artificial_frap(type_data,seed_parameters,parameters,mesh_file,
# X_coordonate,Y_coordonate,Z_coordonate,Point_evaluate, base_folder)
## Fit mobility from real data or artificial data initialize with real data
# fit_data_from_exp(0,seed_parameters,parameters,frame_ic, kept_radius,
# Phi_tot_int, Phi_tot_ext, Phi_u01, Phi_u1,v,V,X_coordonate,
# Y_coordonate,Z_coordonate,Point_evaluate, base_folder)
## Plot the convergence of the fitting which is save inside 'base_foler'
# plot_conv(base_folder)
## Plot save results along a line in .txt, R_save need to be in adequation
## in order to have the right plot
# plot_save_result(R_save, 'results.txt')
## Make a video of the results along a line in .txt, R_save need to be
## in adequation in order to have the right plot
# video(R_save, 'test.mp4', 'results.txt')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
Sphere(1) = {0, 0, 0, 100, -Pi/2, Pi/2, 2*Pi};
lc = 20;
Point(3) = {0, 0, 0, 0.1};
Physical Surface("surfacedomain") = {1};
Physical Volume("vilumedomain") = {1};
Field[1] = Distance;
Field[1].NodesList = {3};
Field[1].NNodesByEdge = 10;
Field[2] = Threshold;
Field[2].IField = 1;
Field[2].LcMin = 2;
Field[2].LcMax = 40;
Field[2].DistMin = 11;
Field[2].DistMax = 40;
Background Field = 2;
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