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#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
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#+ setup, cache=FALSE
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doc <- '
Convert a cuffdiff into a dge-report
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Usage: dge_analysis.R [options] <cuffdb_directory>
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--constrasts=<tab_delim_table> Table with sample pairs for which dge analysis should be performed
--undirected           Perform directed dge-steps in a directed manner
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-S                     Dont do general statistics and qc analysis
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#opts <- docopt(doc, commandArgs(TRUE)) ## does not work when spining
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#opts <- docopt(doc, "--undirected ..")
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opts <- docopt(doc, paste(Sys.getenv("DGE_PARAMS"), paste(commandArgs(TRUE), collapse=" ")))

skipQC <<- opts$S
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split_hit_list <- !opts$undirected
constrasts_file <- opts$constrasts
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cuffdb_directory <- normalizePath(opts$cuffdb_directory)
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    stop(paste("db directory does not exist", doc))

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#knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = getwd())

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#' # Differential Gene Expression Analysis
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## todo Small overview about pipeline
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#' [CuffDiff]( and [cummeRbund]( were used to perform this analysis. For details about how the test for differntial expression works, refer to [Differential analysis of gene regulation at transcript resolution with RNA-seq](

#print(paste("db dir is", cuffdb_directory))
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#' Used cuffdiff database in `r cuffdb_directory`
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#+ load_db, cache=FALSE

## workaround until sqlite  is fixed on lustre
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tmpdir <- tempfile("cuffdb_dir")
system(paste("cp -r", cuffdb_directory, tmpdir))

cuff <- readCufflinks(dir=tmpdir)
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replicates(cuff) %>% mutate(file=basename(file)) %>% select(-c(total_mass, norm_mass, internal_scale, external_scale))
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#+ eval=skipQC
#hello hidden field
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#' ## Count and Expression Score Tables

## todo merge in basic gene info into all tables
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## add gene description
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martName <- guess_mart(fpkm(genes(cuff))$gene_id)
cacheFile <- paste0("geneInfo.",martName, ".RData")

    mousemart = useDataset(martName, mart=useMart("ensembl"))
    geneInfo <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'description', 'gene_biotype'), mart=mousemart);
    save(geneInfo, file=cacheFile)
    geneInfo <- local(get(load(cacheFile)))
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#colnames(gFpkmMatrix) <- ifelse([colnames(gFpkmMatrix)]), colnames(gFpkmMatrix), sampleDic[colnames(gFpkmMatrix)])
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fpkmMatrix(genes(cuff)) %>%
    rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id") %>%
    merge(geneInfo, by.x="ensembl_gene_id", all.x=T) %>%
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# geneFpkmWithInfo <- read.delim("geneFpkmWithInfo.txt")
#' [Annotated Expresssion Table](geneFpkmWithInfo.txt)

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## export the same but now including replicate information

repFpkmMatrix(genes(cuff)) %>%
    rownames2column("ensembl_gene_id") %>%
    merge(geneInfo, by.x="ensembl_gene_id", all.x=T) %>%
# geneFpkmWithInfo <- read.delim("geneReplicateFpkmWithInfo.txt")
#' [Annotated Expresssion Table](geneReplicateFpkmWithInfo.txt)

#+ eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE
## DEBUG start
read.delim("geneReplicateFpkmWithInfo.txt") %>%
filter(external_gene_name=="Insm1") %>%
melt() %>%
ggplot(aes(variable, value)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
## DEBUG end

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#ggplot(geneFpkm, aes(fpkm)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_log10()

write.delim(geneFpkm, file="geneFpkm.txt")
# gene.fpkm <- read.delim("gene.fpkm.txt")

write.delim(repGeneFPKMs, file="repGeneFPKMs.txt")
# repGeneFPKMs <- read.delim("repGeneFPKMs.txt")
# repGeneFPKMs <- local(get(load("repGeneFPKMs.RData")))
#'  [FPKMs by Replicate](repGeneFPKMs.txt)

write.delim(geneCounts, file="geneCounts.txt")
#'  [Raw Counts](geneCounts.txt)

repCounts <- countMatrix(genes(cuff))
write.delim(repCounts, file="repCounts.txt")
# repCounts <- read.delim("repCounts.txt")
#'  [Raw Counts by Replicate](repCounts.txt)
## tt

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#' ## Score Distributions
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# create some global summary statistic plots
dispersionPlot(genes(cuff)) #+ aes(alpha=0.01)

#ggsave2(csBoxplot(genes(cuff))+ ggtitle("fpkm boxplots"))



#csScatter(genes(cuff), "a", "d", smooth=F) + aes(color=abs(log2(a/b))>2) + scale_colour_manual(values=c("darkgreen", "red"))

#MAplot(genes(cuff), "a", "d")+ aes(color=abs(log2(M))>2)+ ggtitle("MA-plot: a/d")
#MAplot(genes(cuff), "a", "b", useCount=T) #+ aes(color=abs(log2(M))>2)+ ggtitle("MA-plot: Luc/KD")

#csVolcano(genes(cuff),"aRGm", "N") + ggtitle("odd line-shaped fan-out in volcano plot")

#csVolcano(genes(cuff),"a", "b")

#csVolcano(genes(cuff),"a", "b")

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#' ## Replicate Correlation and Clustering
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plotMDS(repFpkmMatrix(genes(cuff)), top=500, main="top500 MDS")

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if(unlen(replicates(cuff)$sample)>2){  ## >2 only, because MDS will fail with just 2 samples
    MDSplot(genes(cuff)) + ggtitle("mds plot")
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MDSplot(genes(cuff), replicates=T) + ggtitle("mds plot")


noTextLayer <- function(gg){ gg$layers[[2]] <- NULL;; gg}

noTextLayer(csDistHeat(genes(cuff)) +  ggtitle("mouse zone correlation"))

noTextLayer(csDistHeat(genes(cuff),replicates=T) +  ggtitle("mouse replicate correlation")) #+ scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c(low='lightyellow',mid='orange',high='darkred'), limits=c(0,0.15))



#' ## Extract lists of differentially expressed genes

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#compPairsUniDir <- data.frame(sample_1="big_cyst", sample_2="small_cyst")

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#    if(file.exists(constrasts_file))
    echo("using contrasts matrix from: ", basename(constrasts_file))

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    compPairsUniDir <- read.delim(opts$sample_pairs) %>% set_names("sample_1", "sample_2")

    ## add other direction for completeness
    compPairs <- rbind_list(compPairsUniDir, compPairsUniDir %>% select(sample_1=sample_2, sample_2=sample_1))
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    echo("comparing all samples against each other")
    compPairs <- diffData(genes(cuff)) %>% select(sample_1, sample_2) %>% distinct()
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allDiff <- diffData(genes(cuff)) %>%
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    ## just keep pairs of interest
    merge(compPairs) %>%

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    ##  discard all genes that are not expressed in any of the cell types (>1)
    filter(gene_id %in% getExpressedGenes(cuff))

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#' Used cutoff criterion was: p_value<0.01
allDiff <- transform(allDiff, isHit=p_value<=0.01)
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##' Used cutoff criterion was: q_value<0.01
#allDiff <- transform(allDiff, isHit=q_value<0.01)
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degs <- subset(allDiff, isHit)
#degs <- subset(allDiff, significant=="yes")
degs <- transform(degs, sample_1_overex=log2_fold_change<0)

with(degs,, sample_2, sample_1_overex))) %>% filter(Freq >0)

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degs <- merge(degs, geneInfo, by.x="gene_id", by.="ensembl_gene_id", all.x=T)

write.delim(degs, file="degs.txt")
# degs <- read.delim("degs.txt")
#' [dge table](degs.txt)

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ggplot(degs, aes(paste(sample_1, "vs",  sample_2), fill=status)) + geom_bar() +xlab(NULL) + ylab("# DGEs") +ggtitle("DGE count summary") + coord_flip()

ggplot(degs, aes(paste(sample_1, "vs",  sample_2), fill=sample_1_overex)) + geom_bar(position="dodge") + xlab(NULL) + ylab("# DGEs") + ggtitle("DGE counts by direction") + coord_flip()

## just needed to restore environment easily
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save(degs, file=".degs.RData")
# degs <- local(get(load(".degs.RData")))
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#' ## Term enrichment
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#+ echo=FALSE

#fpkmMatrix(genes(cuff)) %>% head()
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ontologies <- c(



#' This analysis was performed using [David]( The following ontologies were tested: `r paste(ontologies, collapse=',')`

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require(RDAVIDWebService) ## just works if installed on non-network-drive (e.g. /tmp/)

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geneLists <- degs %>%
    transmute(gene_id, list_id=paste(sample_1, "vs", sample_2, "ovex", sample_1_overex, sep="_"))
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## e.g. getClusterReport --> plot2D

davidAnnotationChart <- function(someGenes){ ## expexted to have a column with gene_id
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#    echo("processing list with", length(someGenes), "genes")
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#    someGenes <- degs$gene_id

        someGenes <- sample(someGenes) %>% head(1500)


#    getTimeOut(david)
    setTimeOut(david, 80000) ##

    result<-addList(david, someGenes, idType="ENSEMBL_GENE_ID", listName=paste0("list_", sample(10000)[1]), listType="Gene")

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    david %>% setAnnotationCategories(ontologies)
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    annoChart <-getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david)

#    clusterReport <-getClusterReport(david)

    return(annoChart %>% subset(select=-Genes))

enrResults <- degs %>% group_by(sample_1, sample_2, sample_1_overex) %>% do(davidAnnotationChart(.$gene_id))

write.delim(enrResults, file="enrResults.txt")
# enrResults <- read.delim("enrResults.txt")
#'  [Enrichment Results](enrResults.txt)

sigEnrResults <- subset(enrResults, Bonferroni <0.01)

write.delim(sigEnrResults, file="sigEnrResults.txt")
# sigEnrResults <- read.delim("sigEnrResults.txt")
#'  [Very Significant Terms](sigEnrResults.txt)

## plot the enrichment results
#sigEnrResults %>% group_by(Category, add=T) %>% do({
#    logPlot <- . %>% ggplot(aes(Term, PValue)) +
#	    geom_bar(stat="identity")+coord_flip() +
#	    xlab("Enriched Terms") +
#	    ggtitle(.$Category[1]) +
#	    scale_y_log10()
#	    print(logPlot)

sigEnrResults %>% do({
    enrResultsGrp <- .
    label <- apply(enrResultsGrp[1,1:3], 1, paste, collapse="_")
    echo("processing", label)

    logPlot <- enrResultsGrp %>% ggplot(aes(reorder(Term, as.integer(Category)), PValue, fill=Category)) +
	    coord_flip() +
	    xlab("Enriched Terms") +
	    ggtitle(label) +


#+ include=FALSE
#ggsave2(ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(set)) + geom_bar() + ggtitle("enriched term frequencies")) # + facet_wrap(~site_type))

#sigEnrResults <- arrange(sigEnrResults, site_type, set, -Bonferroni)
#sigEnrResults$Term <-lockFactorOrder(sigEnrResults$Term)

#ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(Term, -log10(Bonferroni))) +coord_flip() + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~site_type + set)
#ggplot(sigEnrResults, aes(reorder(set, -Bonferroni), -log10(Bonferroni), label=Term)) + geom_text(alpha=0.6, size=3) + ggtitle("enriched terms by set") + scale_y_log10()
#ggsave2(width=14, height=12)

#write.table(sigEnrResults, file=concat("sigEnrTerms.txt"), row.names=FALSE,  sep="\t")

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#+ include=FALSE
# ########################################################################################################################
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# #' ## Enriched KEGG Pathways
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#keggPathways <- sigEnrResults %>%
#    filter(Category=="KEGG_PATHWAY") %>%
#    transform(kegg = colsplit(Term, "\\:", names = c('pathway_id', 'description')))
#    echo("no enriched kegg pathways were found in the dataset")
#keggPathways %>% rowwise() %>% do({
#    curKP <- .
#    curKP <- keggPathways[1,]
#    geneData <- merge(curKP, degs) %>% transmute(gene_id, log2_fold_change) %>% column2rownames("gene_id")
#    ## prepare gene data
#    pv.out <- pathview( = geneData, = curKP$kegg.pathway_id, species = "mmu", out.suffix = curKP$kegg.description, node.sum = "mean", limit = list(gene = 3, cpd = 3), gene.idtype="ensembl")
#        outfile <- paste(pathway_ids[i], ".", pathway_names[i], ".png", sep = "")
#        ima <- readPNG(outfile)
#    	lim <- par()
#    	rasterImage(ima, lim$usr[1], lim$usr[3], lim$usr[2], lim$usr[4])
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#+ include=FALSE
# ########################################################################################################################
# #' ## Protein-Protein Interaction Clusters using String
# ## see
# #' We can use the string-db web service to look for protein-protein interactions.
# #' This normally results in a large hairball and many unconnected nodes and so we can look for enriched clusters.
# #' Here we plot using (high confidence interactions) enriched clusters with a node size greater than 5 proteins for our list of candidate genes showing up in at least two replicates
# #+ PPI plots , fig.width=30, fig.height=30, fig.retina=2, warning=FALSE, tidy=TRUE
# #taxTable <- list(ENSG=9606,  ENSMUSG=10090)
# #taxId <- taxTable[[degs$gene_id[1] %>% ac() %>% str_extract("^([A-z]+)")]]
# #
# #
# #string_db <- STRINGdb$new(score_threshold=400, species=taxId, input_directory="/local2/user_data/brandl/data/stringr") ## score threshold default is 400
# #example1_mapped <- string_db$map( summary_allgids_df_sighit_gt1, "supplier_gene_symbol", species= removeUnmappedRows = TRUE )
# #clustersList <- string_db$get_clusters(example1_mapped$STRING_id)
# #for(network in clustersList)
# #{
# #	if(length(network)>5)
# #	{
# #		string_db$plot_network(network, add_link=FALSE)
# #	}
# #}
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#' Created `r format(Sys.Date(), format="%B-%d-%Y")` by `r readLines(pipe('whoami'))`