#39: enabled description change, top contributers in synthetic condensate detail page. Also top contributor table only shown when there is any contributor.
Instead of VUE_APP_API_KEY_DEV for development and VUE_APP_API_KEY_PROD for production, we use VUE_APP_API_KEY.
fix: add two environment variables, VUE_APP_API_KEY_DEV for development and VUE_APP_API_KEY_PROD for production
#100:auto logout functionality added. user will be logged out after 48hours. #109:logout from source page will not redirect to login page again and will remain on the source page. #102:Refactored error messages. #104:My submitted changes for admin is removed.
#110: fixed the functional type data display in protein detail page on biomolecular condensate table. and removed functional type from synthetic condensate table.
#110: Presence in Biomolecular Condensates column is split into two lines on protein list page and added to protein detail page.