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Sbalzarini Lab / Software / Math / FaspHeuristic
MIT LicenseLibrary implementing TIGHT-CUT heuristic for solving FASP (Feedback Arc Set Problem)
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Sbalzarini Lab / Software / Math / minter
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Image-based pipeline for solving inhomogeneous reaction-diffusion PDEs in real-world porous geometries. Level-set method (multi-CPU) for reconstruction. Sparse grids (multi-GPU) for diffusion simulation. Parallel data structures from OpenFPM.
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Implementation of the fast curvature filters for images.
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steinbac / compass-github-pull
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensedrop-in header-only C++ library to detect hardware capabilities at runtime and at compiletime
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Implementation of Gaussian Next Subvolume Method (GNSM), which generates trajectories for Gaussian Reaction Diffusion Master Equation (GRDME)
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Sbalzarini Lab / Software / Parallel Computing / OpenFPM / openfpm
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated