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PICNIC (Proteins Involved in CoNdensates In Cells) is machine learning-based model that predicts proteins involved in biomolecular condensates.
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Backend APIs (Flask) exposing data from database in RESTful format
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New analyses for the "Navigating Uncertainty in Encoded Decision-Space" project. Analysis for both "Fruit Task" and "Hexagons Task."
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useful functionality for image-, data-analysis and classification of stembryos
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Python Scripts to generate data in MongoDB after aggregation from source databases; update/modify data for the web app as well as the predictor; manipulate data for "Condensate Proteome Predictor"
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MosaicSuite is a software for ImageJ/Fiji with image-processing algorithms developed at the MOSAIC group.
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Python package of the deTEL translation error detection pipeline from mass-spectrometry data
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Repository containing the scripts used in Iglesias-Artola et al 2024. Quantitative imaging of species-specific lipid transport in mammalian cells
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MotionTracking project to Analyze Hepatocyte Cages.
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Theory analysis and code for studying Drosophila wing disc eversion
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hidra fork, intended to exist until desy's hidra goes full open source on github or similar
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this repository contains Fiji scripts associated with the paper : Stefan et al., Quantitative analysis of native lipid dynamics and lipid protein interactions in living cells
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Complementary information to the Progenitors Processes Analysis (PPA) script described in the paper "Kalebic et al, Neocortical expansion due to increased proliferation of basal progenitors is linked to changes in their morphology".