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patches to vfb-run to allow multiple xvfb processes on one machine
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Theory analysis and code for studying Drosophila wing disc eversion
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Analysis of actomyosin dynamics at local and tissue scales in cultured Drosophila egg chambers. Ivana Viktorinová, Robert Haase, Tobias Pietzsch, Ian Henry and Pavel Tomancak
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Implementation of 2D unet. Use as base for user projects.
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Exact stochastic simulation of intracellular transport
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Little tiny model of Ath5-Ptf1a interactions in fate decisions in the embryonic zebrafish retina.
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Complementary information to the image analysis script described in the paper "Salamander Eci: an optical clearing protocol for the three-dimensional exploration of regeneration".
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this repository contains Fiji scripts associated with the paper : Stefan et al., Quantitative analysis of native lipid dynamics and lipid protein interactions in living cells
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This repository contains source codes and notebook demos for trainin STENCIL-NET.
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Setting up a python3 installation to run standalone... or with your code
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Script for publication - Matrix topology guides collective cell migration in vivo