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PICNIC (Proteins Involved in CoNdensates In Cells) is machine learning-based model that predicts proteins involved in biomolecular condensates.
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Completly reimplmented Lipidxplorer, with adaptation layer to read lipidxplorer1 files
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PDE inference from limited spatio-temporal data
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Improving contrast in confocal data by degrading image with model of light scattering
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This repository is all about simulating flow driven pruning in biological flow networks.
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This software package implements the identification of robust topological defects.
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Supplementary Jupyter notebook to our article "Lgr5+ stem/progenitor cells reside at the apex of the embryonic hepatoblast pool"
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Repository containing the scripts used in Iglesias-Artola et al 2024. Quantitative imaging of species-specific lipid transport in mammalian cells
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Image-based pipeline for solving inhomogeneous reaction-diffusion PDEs in real-world porous geometries. Level-set method (multi-CPU) for reconstruction. Sparse grids (multi-GPU) for diffusion simulation. Parallel data structures from OpenFPM.
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