Explore projects
pSSAlib: Stochastic chemical network and reaction-diffusion simulation
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MATLAB code for deconvolving snakes
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hidra fork, intended to exist until desy's hidra goes full open source on github or similar
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krishna / WDeversion_theory
MIT LicenseTheory analysis and code for studying Drosophila wing disc eversion
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Official MOSAIC Group software repository.
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this repository contains Fiji scripts associated with the paper : Stefan et al., Quantitative analysis of native lipid dynamics and lipid protein interactions in living cells
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A MATLAB implementation of the split-Bregman algorithm for image segmentation
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PPM client for diffusion on curved surfaces
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Scientific Computing / bioimage_team / stardist_nnet_explore
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Veenvliet Lab / Integrated_Molecular-Phenotypic_Profiling_of_Stembryos
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis is a code-repository for the image-, sequencing and data-analysis performed for the manuscript: Integrated Molecular-Phenotypic Profiling Reveals Tuneable Modulators of Morphological Variation in Stembryos" authored by: Alba Villaronga Luque et al.
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MATLAB implementation of image naturalization
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Complementary information concerning the article: "The novel Rab5 effector FERRY links the early endosome with the translation machinery"
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rhaase / clij_mtz_2020
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Sbalzarini Lab / Software / Parallel Computing / OpenFPM / openfpm
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated